The unexpected

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Yuuris POV

"Ugg I dident think it would be this hard without Conrart of the others, maybe I should have stayed in Boy Scouts for survival reasons", I thought
"Well I need to hurry because I'm sure that some has noticed my disappearance, YAWW!", I yelled while wiping the rains on Ouls neck.

"Finally I'm hear,oh crap I totally forgot about my costume!", I said softly so I took off my jacket and wrapped it around my head to make it look casual.
"Umm exuese me sir but can you give me a ride to Big Cimeron?, I asked politely. "Sure but you will be free of charge since you are the Demon king", he said bowing. "You don't have to bow and please don't tell any one I'm just going to Big Cimeron to try and come to an understanding with King Belal", I said. "Ahhhhhhh yes about the villages you have allyed with, well come aboard" he said outstretching his arm to the entry way. "Arigato" I said heading to a place to sit. "May I ask why you haven't any body gaurds?", he asked beginning to drive the boat. "Well I'm not sapposed to be going anyways", I said. " Oh yes I haven't properly introduced my self, I'm Ronald Spichvitch, the father if the girl you will be marrying!", he said. "Ha nice to meet yo.....,wait WHAT, this is awkward I dident know who I was marrying they just told me that I'm getting married!", I said nervously.
"Ahhhhhhh well maybe I should introduce you to her I will be right back!", he said walking down under the ship. "Wait you don't have to... oh wow this is going to be a weird trip.
*moments later*
Oh crap I can't hear foot steps coming back up. "Ok Your Majesty meet my daughter Miyoko Spichvitch, Miyoko this is His majesty Yuuri Shibuya.
I immidiatly felt the blood rush to my cheeks when I saw her. She had beautiful long red hair and big brown eyes.She was wearing a pair if shorts with a regular tee shirt that would only be seen in my birth place along with a pair of leather gloves with the fingers cut off, witch made her even hotter knowing that she was kinda a Tom-boy. "Kon-nichiwa your majesty I'm pleased to meet you", she said walking up to me with her hand outstretched to shake mine. "Umm you don't have to call me that just call me Yuuri I hate when people call me royalty and stuff I mean I'm just the same as you, anyways nice to meet you to", I said standing up to shake her hand back.
"My apologies... Yuuri", she said with a cute smile on he face. "Well ill just leave you two alone to get to know each other since you are getting married and all!", he said walking away. As soon as he left I felt another blush creep it's way to my cheeks
She immidiatly broke the silence." Ahem so I'm getting married to you huu?", she asked. I aging blushed and began stuttering. " w-well uhhh ummm I-I uhh hmmm", I mumbled. "Ha ha you don't have to be embarrassed, I just hope they don't make me where those big puffy dresses!", she said and we both shuddered at the thought. " I dout it he he", I said . " Hmmm how old are you Yuuri I'm 16", she asked me she seemed totally fine with this engagement thing. " Well I just turned 17 yesterday", I said. " Cool, I just can't wait to meet Lord Conrart since I'm gonna be the demon queen he seems so cool, he has save you from dying many times and if he dident save you all those times I wouldn't be you fiancé!", she said that made me jump. " Umm Miyoko you seem totally ok with marring some one you don't know and you don't love", I said afraid of what she was going to say back."Well Yuuri Iv heard of how kind hearted and sweet and cute you are I'm actually quite found of you", she said that made me almost jump out of my skin. " Wow your uhh really forward miyoko", I said. "Well Yuuri Iv been known for that",she said standing up and dusting off he legs." Well Yuuri I will see ya later I have to go round up the fish nets for my father , sayonara Yuuri!", she said waving good by."Wow she is.... well there arnt any words, I better get some sleep before we land at Big Cimeron", I thought lying down on my bag and drifted to sleep.

Authors note

Dear reader thank you for being kind enough to read the second chapter please comment on your thoughts all critisisum is welcome sayonara minna
-Miyoko shibuya

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