Chapter 3

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Damien went back to his office, only to receive a call the moment he sat down. He checked who it was and shook his head. Nope. He wasn't dealing with that yet. Not when he had to give a professional image to his new employee. He sent the call to the fourth floor, where Logan worked. He knew Logan would be able to deal with it better than him. Especially considering his current awful mood and pain... not that it mattered. Once he did, he took a deep breath and went back to work. He just needed to keep it together for a few hours. Then he could either kill someone or die, both sounded equally possible.

Half an hour later, Logan knocked on his door again. "Sir? The contract is ready," he said, placing the papers on the table as Damien gestured for him to do so without even looking up from his laptop screen. "Mr. Steele was eager to know if you're still reluctant to sell the company to him. He said that he will pay you a good sum... 30 million, he said," Logan explained, Damien looked at him and raised an eyebrow. "I, of course, told him that you were not only reluctant to. That you were not going to sell it to him nor anyone else," he quickly added.

Damien smiled lightly. "Thank you, Mr. Berry. I will be sure to raise your salary for having to put up with Mr. Steele." He chuckled. "Now, could you go tell Mr. Starlight that the contract is ready and to come to sign it?" he asked. Logan nodded and smiled lightly before walking out and closing the door. Damien sighed. He was sick of Mr. Steele already. He had been dealing with him one way or another for years, and he wasn't looking forward to the meeting with him. Especially if he-

A knock on the door brought Damien back to reality. "Sir? I was told to come here for the contract..." Remy said quietly. Damien looked up at him and nodded, giving him a small smile. Remy walked in and sat on a chair across from Damien, who handed him three papers. "Do I need to read through all of it?" he asked with a small chuckle as he flipped through the pages.

Damien smiled. "It would be ideal, but it's alright if you don't. There's no trick or hidden clauses," he said. "I can give you a brief explanation with everything you need to know before you sign each part," he offered. Remy looked at him thankfully. Damien chuckled. "This first part here is the rules you have to follow. Just the usual being here on time, not ruining the business, not ruining the business' image or mine," he said, looking at Remy, who nodded. "The second part is the schedule, the payment, and the extras. Meaning, if you make $50 an hour but you're working on Christmas, New Year's or do something that isn't supposed to be part of your job, obviously appreciated, you make $75 an hour." Remy dropped the pen he was holding, his jaw dropping. Damien chuckled. "What were you expecting? I told you, the only person in this building and company above you is me." Remy slowly nodded. "You okay to move on?" he asked. Remy nodded again, still speechless. "That goes to halfway through the second page. There's a box for you to sign. Then you will see that this is a one-year contract. But I will tell you this much, I most likely won't, because you seem like the perfect match for the job, but I can still fire you anytime, with a two-week notice so you can find a new job, and I will pay you all you would have gotten in the remaining time working here... does that make sense?" he asked, seeing that Remy was having a hard time processing all that.

"Uh... yeah! Just... could you explain it again? It's too early in the morning for me to understand anything right now," he said, looking up at him. "Just the last part."

Damien chuckled. "Of course," he said. "Let's say that I fire you in October. Your contract doesn't end until January 6th next year, so in the last paycheck, I have to pay you the $8000 of October, the $8000 of November, the $8000 of December... and the $1600 of the remaining days in January. So instead of just getting $8000, you would get $25.600 at once."

Remy blinked in shock. "That's a lot of numbers..." he muttered, not realizing he had said it out loud until Damien chuckled. "There's no way someone has that much money at once," he said. There was just no way. Not even Damien Sanders could have that amount of money and be able to pay it all at once to one single person.

"You should see my bank account." He chuckled. "Anyway... are you signing?" he asked with an almost hopeful smile. He needed a miracle to fix everything that was wrong for the meeting with Mr. Steele... and that miracle seemed to be sitting right in front of him.

Remy took the pen he had dropped before and signed it with no complaints. "Well, I have a lot of work to do now, Mr. Sanders... I- uh... I should get started... well, I already finished one, but..." he trailed off.

"You have?" he asked, his eyes lighting up a bit. "Okay, send it to me. My email is saved on your desktop. Every time you finish one, just send it so I can check it before printing." He smiled. Remy saluted and smiled before walking back to his office, immediately getting to work.

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