Chapter 5

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Damien walked to work. He needed to clear his head. His boyfriend was staying with him, and that was great... but he couldn't stop thinking about Remy. Those thoughts were haunting him. He'd left early, leaving a note for his boyfriend telling him that he was leaving early and to take money if he wanted to go somewhere. He had barely slept and he would've liked his boyfriend to be awake before he left so he could do his makeup instead of just looking sleep-deprived. He sighed, running a hand through his hair. He hadn't really bothered brushing it, so it was way more curly than usual.

He felt something cold on his nose and looked up, seeing that it was starting to snow. He couldn't help the small smile that formed on his lips. He loved the snow. Just like the rain, he found it soothing. Just watching it fall through a window... it was one of the best feelings ever.

Ugh, feelings.

Just as that word crossed his mind, a certain someone popped up there, too. He didn't know why he kept thinking about Remy. He didn't know why he thought about Remy that way. He just wanted to be friends with him. Nothing else. He had a boyfriend for fuck's sake!

He pulled out his phone, seeing a text from his boyfriend. 'I'm going to Starbucks, can I stay here today?' He smiled lightly. He loved him, he didn't doubt that. He was certain that he loved him so much. He replied to the text and kept walking. He still had a good twenty-minute walk to work and he was beginning to regret not driving there as the temperature kept dropping.

"Mr. Sanders!" someone called from a car. Damien frowned and turned, seeing Remy get out of a cab. "Want to take a ride with me? It's cold out here," he offered with a smile. Damien's heart skipped a beat. Were Remy's eyes that beautiful yesterday? He ignored the feeling and nodded, not realizing he was blushing lightly.

Remy gave him a bright smile and led him to the cab, getting in and moving to the side so Damien could get in, too. "Thank you. It's... uh... quite cold outside." Damien kept his gaze down. He took off the scarf he was wearing and set it on his lap neatly.

"I would how you slept or some sh- something like that... but you look completely sleep deprived. Are you alright?" Remy asked softly, tilting his head a bit to the side and looking at him.

Damien nodded, glancing at him. "Yeah... just got a lot of things going on in my mind right now. I'm fine," he said, giving him a small smile. "It's about the meeting I have in two weeks. Nothing to be worried about," he said. Remy nodded, slightly unconvinced.

"You seem happy," he pointed out. "Did you make up with your boyfriend?" he asked.

Damien looked at him, slightly confused for a brief moment. "Oh, yeah... we're good now." He smiled. It wasn't entirely a lie. They were good... they'd just never argued, to begin with. "He was having some family issues and he's staying at my place until things calm down a bit." Also, not entirely a lie.

Remy smiled. "That's amazing. I'm so happy you guys are back to normal. You seem to really love him, too," he said.

Damien looked down and smiled. "Yeah... I do." He blushed lightly and looked back at Remy.

Remy tilted his head. "So, how did you guys meet? You said he was in college. Tell me everything," he said excitedly. Damien chuckled and blushed darker. He wasn't used to talking about his feelings. "I mean... you don't have to but... I'm kinda a sucker for gay romances so..."

"Alright." Damien chuckled. "We met when I was 23, he was 16 at the time and helping out his father in the family business. I had just started my business a couple of months before, so I had nothing. He was sent by his father to bring some papers to my, at that time, small office. After that, he came with his father many times. In time, we became friends and started hanging out. We both started falling for each other when he was three months away from turning 18, so we decided that, on his birthday, we would start dating. Once there was no legal or ethical impediment." He looked at Remy and chuckled, seeing he was extremely caught up in the story. "His father didn't like that we were together. Saying I was too old for him and all that shit. But, hey, we're still together, so I doubt that was a problem."

"Woah..." Remy trailed off. "That is the most beautiful love story I've ever heard..." Damien scoffed and rolled his eyes. "Really, though, that is adorable."

Damien smiled. "I guess..." He looked out of the window and smiled. "Here we are," he said. He turned to pay and pouted as he saw Remy doing so. He got out of the car, followed by Remy. "You could've let me pay at least a part of it," he said as the cab left, looking at Remy.

"That's ridiculous. You paid for yesterday's lunch and it was quite expensive. This is my way to say thank you." Remy smiled.

Damien sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. "Fine. Let's go. I don't want to freeze here," he said. Remy frowned. Had he upset Damien? They walked inside and Damien spoke again, "once you finish the few papers you had yesterday, come to my office and I'll tell you about the meeting." They reached the elevator and got in.

Remy went to work without another word and Damien did, too. He needed those two weeks to be over and forget about Mr. Steele. The more he thought about him and the meeting, the more his chest tightened. He needed to get that meeting out of the way.

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