Chapter 4

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TW: 18+ content (also, it's my first time writing something like that, so I apologize in advance, I really tried my best)

Remy's lunch break came around without him even noticing what time it was. He was too caught up in his work. He wanted to impress Damien. He wanted to be the best employee he'd ever had. He typed quickly, nearly halfway done with the papers. They were very messed up, but he was better than that, he could fix a few papers in a day.

There was a knock on the door, startling Remy and almost making him jump. He looked up and saw Damien at the door. "Oh..." he trailed off. "What is it? Did I make any mistakes? I can recheck them, I-" he started, getting anxious. What did Damien want?

The oldest chuckled and shook his head. "No, all the ones I've checked are perfect." He smiled. Remy sighed in relief. "I wondered if you were hungry. It's 2:45..." he said. "I'm about to go eat something and I wanted to know if you'd care to join me," he offered, giving him a small smile. "I like knowing my closest workers out of work." He chuckled. "I mean... if you're okay with that..." Remy smiled lightly at Damien's apparent nervousness. Damien, on the other hand, was stressing out. Why was he so nervous? He always did that on an employee's first day. He did it with Logan and with the previous secretary. Why was he so nervous to ask Remy?

Remy nodded. "Of course." He smiled. He looked at the desktop screen and frowned lightly, making Damien's nervousness grow. "Just... could I have a minute to finish this one? I'm nearly done," he said. Damien seemed to visibly relax and nodded. "Great." He smiled.

"Oh, first, where would you like to go?" Damien asked. "I think you've done more than anyone would've done in just a few hours and I need a break from thinking about the meeting those papers are for. Let's go somewhere out of this building." He smiled. "Needless to say, you are free to go home when we're done," he added. Remy smiled lightly at that and Damien left.

Damien walked back to his office and closed the door, leaning against it and sliding down to the floor. He shut his eyes tightly, taking his phone. His boyfriend was most likely out of class now. He called him, hoping Remy wouldn't be done until he was.

The call was answered almost immediately. "Damien? Are you okay?" the voice on the other side asked worriedly. His boyfriend knew he would never call from work unless something was very wrong.

Remy was done a couple of minutes later, taking his coat and putting it over his black leather jacket. He turned off the desktop and walked out, turning the lights of his office off and closing the door. "Mr. Sanders?" he called, walking towards his office. "I'm done."

Damien walked out, already wearing his coat. "Let's go, then." He smiled. Remy nodded, not noticing Damien's bloodshot eyes. "Did you think of a place?" he asked, walking to the elevator with Remy beside him. Remy shook his head a bit. "My choice then?" he asked, with a small smile. "There's this Italian place a couple of blocks away. The food there is really good," he said.

Remy smiled. "You're in luck. Italian is my favorite," he said as they entered the elevator. That was when he noticed his eyes. "Are you alright?" he asked, sounding genuinely worried. "You look as if you've been crying..." he said softly, not wanting to push since they didn't really know each other.

Damien tensed up lightly. "I'm fine, just going through a rough time with someone..." he trailed off. He was so glad he was a great liar or he would've been caught then and there. "I'm alright." He smiled. "So, Italian's your favorite?" he asked.

Remy seemed to be satisfied with that answer and nodded. "Yeah. Ever since I was a child. Italian food is always a yes." He chuckled. "I have an idea... maybe not too professional but it helps if you want us to know each other better." Damien gave him a little nod for him to explain. "It's like 20 questions but better. Instead of coming up with questions to ask, you have to give the other person ten facts about yourself that anyone should know. Nothing too personal. Just full name, age, goals... all that stuff," he explained.

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