Chapter 6

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A knock on the door brought Damien back to reality. His eyes, which had been glued to his laptop's screen, drifted to the door to see Remy wearing his coat already. They hadn't exchanged a word since they got there, which made Damien slightly nervous. He glanced at his watch. Oh. It was his time to go. He gave him a slight head tilt.

"It's my time to go home, Mr. Sanders," Remy said, "will you be joining me today as well?" he asked with the tiniest smile. "We can maybe go to Starbucks or something..." he offered. "I'm not rich enough to take you somewhere fancy." He chuckled, making a light shade of pink dust Damien's cheeks.

"Uh... I can't, I still have to finish some things... but thank you for the offer. Maybe some other time?" He smiled. Remy smiled back and nodded. "Have a good day, Mr. Starlight," he said.

"You too, Mr. Sanders." Remy smiled before closing the door again and leaving.


Damien looked up as his phone rang. He picked it up from the table and smiled, answering the call. "Hey, babe," he said. His smile was clear in his voice as his boyfriend asked him why he was taking so long. "I- how is it 8 already?" He sighed. "Sorry, Love... I got too caught up in the meeting... I'll be there soon, I promise." He smiled.

"Do you want me to go get you and we go out for dinner?" his boyfriend asked softly. "I'm bored and I feel like we haven't gone out in ages." Damien swore he could hear his small pout. "I can get you your sweater... it's pouring outside..." he said. Damien looked out of the window, not having noticed the rain until it was mentioned.

"Sounds great. Be sure to take a jacket, though. I don't want you to be sick tomorrow." Damien smiled, running a hand through his hair. "Get a cab, don't you dare walk all the way here," he said. "I'm going to finish this and you can come up here when you arrive so you can warm up a bit," he offered.

His boyfriend chuckled lightly on the other side of the call. "Will do, Mr. Sanders." There was a hint of a mocking tone in his voice and Damien couldn't help but roll his eyes. "I'll give you a bit more time to finish and go to the cafeteria to get me a warm coffee. I'm gonna go take a shower. See you later." And with that, he hung up.

A bit over half an hour later, the elevator doors opened and Damien smiled. "Hey, babe," he said, wrapping his arms around his boyfriend despite his soaked clothes.


Remy got home, unlocking the door to his rather small apartment after hanging out with some 'friends'. He sighed and went to his room. He had left early, knowing that after 'hanging out' came the 'getting drunk' and he was not up for that at all.

He got on his bed and turned on Netflix, looking for a horror movie to watch when Damien popped in his head. He couldn't deny that he was cute. So fucking cute. Like the kind of cute you just want to cuddle all the time and protect from this fucked up world and-

His eyes widened at his thoughts. "Remy, he has a boyfriend, for fuck's sake..." he muttered to himself. But one word in that gave him hope. Boyfriend. He had a chance- "Oh great... now I'm a psycho..." He huffed.

His phone buzzed and he frowned slightly, looking at it and seeing a text from his ex, again, begging him to take him back. He never replied to those texts. He still had enough self-love to never go back to him.

He tossed his phone to the other side of the bed and played a movie. He didn't even pick it, he just played the first one that popped up onto the screen.

The movie passed and Remy fell asleep before it was over, still thinking about Mr. Damien Sanders. His boss. Someone he would probably never have... not the way he wanted, anyway. He knew it was just a teen crush. He just found him cute. But finding him cute made him want to get to know him better. Know what made him smile and laugh. Know what made him happy. Know what he hated most in the world.

And he intended to find out in the most non-creepy way.

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