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If you feel as if you're failing,
like you'll go no where in life.

Remember just how far you've come,
and all the good that's in your mind.

Think about your future,
but only with an open mind.

Struggles will come, sadness strikes,
but it only gets better with time.

I've felt the way you do,
and I know you have lost your hope.

But I promise you this, and this I know,
you're seriously not alone.

It is normal to cry, and sometimes lie,
to get out of your mental prison.

To better yourself takes some inquisition,
before making a final decision.

Your life is far from over, for it has only just begun.
Go outside and take deep breaths, of the natures precious sun.

Focus on yourself and others, but only when they need it -
but when it's time you'll find inside, that your life
just needed cleaning.

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