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Early morning sunrise, not much of a surprise.
Violet, pink, and blue skies, like diamonds in your eyes.

Not much to say or do, my thoughts only of you.
Like those nights back in June, laying right next to you.

I wish time wouldn't pass by, faster than the time of day.
I wish that I could call you, and find the words to say.

But now you're gone, just like the wind, on a rainy day.
But I'll find my place to stay. I know I'll find a way.

I listen to the rain, falling down my window sill.
I've prayed and prayed again, but I've found nothing still.

It's like taking a thousand steps, but still falling down that
hill. Or like breaking your own heart, and not having time
to heal.

You think actions are greater than words, but that's none of
my concern. But when you play with your words, you
end up getting burned.

Did you think that time would stop? Did you think things
would always be the same? - life don't pause like
a video game, and life doesn't like to play.

So speak when you have the choice, don't let your words
slip away. Live your life day to day, not being afraid of what
to say.

Time may be gone, I might have lost, but I still do have my voice.
Because when you're left on your own, do you really have a

Violet, pink, and blue skies, like diamonds in your eyes.
Early morning sunrise, it happens all the time..

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