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Take your anger out on me. I can
be your pinata.

Go on! Take a swing, I know you
really wanna.

You can spit your pity in my face, and
tell me I'm to blame.

if I were you, and put up with me,
I know I'd do the same.

Right now I don't feel pretty, or even
slightly complete.

Between me and you, your slender
look, could I even really compete?

You catch the eye of many, even
some I wish for myself.

If this is heaven, then I don't want
it, cause I feel like I'm living in hell.

I wish I could close my eyes, and wake
up a better me.

So I can see the beauty within me,
that you say you see with your eyes.

But each time I'm told I'm beautiful,
I know it's all a lie.

My soul is tarnished, beaten up -
bleeding black and blue.

These words might mean quite a
lot, but trust me, they're nothing but

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