Wolf Boy | Wip Tordmatt au

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So I'm developing an Au along with The Boy On The Other Side Of The Fence, called "Wolf Boy"

It's a TordMatt au :)
But please, if you don't like TordMatt that's okay, just don't comment about not liking the ship and just enjoy the art and facts about his species, you don't have to like the ship to enjoy it
That and I won't be working on this as much until my current story is finished, just so you know
Anyways, it's a story that follows through Matt's point of view while coming across Tord. A young shapeshifter who, despite his kind, is pretty harmless. 

Over time Matt teaches Tord about how humans live, and while doing so forms a bond with the young man
Cover for the Au

Over time Matt teaches Tord about how humans live, and while doing so forms a bond with the young man▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄••Cover for the Au

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/!\Warning, some reading lmao/!\
Tord is a moutta (me-u-ta), a species of shapeshifter that are known for their changing abilities and vicious killings. They age similar to humans, appearance wise, but have a much longer lifespan and can live for up to 200 years old. But their physical appearance remains young looking for most of their life, going no higher than around 50 human year wise.


Age: around 12-14 years

Human age: 21-24 years

(Only based on physical appearance, it is still unclear how moutta age really works)
At a young age a moutta does not have many abilities, and can only shift into one animal they associate with. Common animal forms are wolves and other canines, hares, elk and in some cases large cats. But as they get older they learn to harness their ability. And by age fifty (their years) they can change into almost anything as long as they've come across it in their life. 

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