Thryro (background test?)

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So before I show you the art I want to address something

I made a character named Thryo, he is also a moutta like Tord from my story, and I drew this to show how Mouttas see the world

They see things a little different than us, more supernatural if you want to use that word, they see things we can't. Anything made naturally, flowers, trees, any plants really, have a chance of looking differently through a mouttas eyes.

For example

What a human would see

And what a moutta would see

And what a moutta would see

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•It's slightly darker than human vision, and they're able to see an abundance of oddities that grow in the forest that stay hidden to the human eye

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It's slightly darker than human vision, and they're able to see an abundance of oddities that grow in the forest that stay hidden to the human eye.

One of things are the white butterflies called spirit guides. They're attracted to mouttas at random and come and go as they please, their job is to guide the soul of a moutta after they pass. They like to play, and enjoy pestering mouttas by landing and flying by their ears to annoy them.

It's all fun and games of course but it annoys the hell out of them.

They are also known for speaking in quiet whispers. It's usually only one word at a time, and it may not make sense, but you can actually talk to them. They might even mimic you.

Though this beautiful plant life is invisible to the human eye, there is a way for a person to see it temporarily through a process called sight sharing

This is when a moutta willing swaps vision with the eyes of a another creature, in this case a human. The longest a human can go with a mouttas eyes however is few hours, if in for too long the eyes of the human will start to burn, overwhelmed by the magic, and it will blind them permanently.

This of course is a risky process that visually impairs the moutta until their eyes are returned. Their eyes are specifically for hunting and such. Unlike human eyes, they are unbothered by water, wind and are made for darker environments. Human eyes pick up light much more efficiently with the help of their pupils dilating, and it's too bright for a moutta to see anything properly.

Another good thing about this hidden environment is there are certain flowers that can lead to water, or sometimes show signs of a disease based on what they grow around

Either way, it's a beautiful sight to see, and moutta greatly enjoy it.

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