3 - Sang

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Heat is pooling off me, and for a second I'm convinced I'm in a damn sauna, but when I open my eyes, it all comes flooding back to me. Why can't I find it in myself to find any ounce of regret?

I look over at the alarm clock on the nightstand by the bed to see that it's 7:00 am, and the sun has just risen. Just enough time for me to find their office and hopefully retrieve the intel I need to build a case. Why do I feel like a traitor?

God, Phil was right. One night with just two of them, and my brain already feels like goo. I'm losing it. Maybe I've already lost it. How does one know when they've gone mad?

With some careful maneuvering, I manage to get out of their strong hold, thankful that they're heavy sleepers. Raven snores pretty loud. For some reason I find it endearing.

I search around the large room for a closet and smile when I spot one across from me on the other side. Tiptoeing over there, I open up the door to the closet and find a moderately-sized space. Certainly way bigger than my closet, that's for sure. But mine also happens to be a box tucked away in the corner of my room, which actually is a closet, so there's no real competition there.

I sift around briefly until I come across a nice black button-down, similar to the one Raven was wearing last night, hanging up. I grab it, hoping he won't mind that I'm borrowing it. Slipping it on, I find that it reaches just above my knees, which I'm not too surprised about. The man is huge.

I assume this must be his room, but considering the fact that there are numerous lighter colored clothes and a couple of nerdy shirts hanging up—ones I can tell wouldn't fit him—I easily come to the conclusion that these two men share a room. And since there's only one bed and both seemed pretty eager to share me last night, I'd day they're in an open relationship, or at least enjoy their occasional company.

The two of them being a couple is actually a really sweet thought, but the fact that they've probably shared someone else before leaves a bitter taste in my mouth, even though I know it shouldn't.

I shake my head to rid myself of my thoughts and step out of the closet, then sneak my way across the room and to my dress littered on the floor. I pick it up and rip the strap the tiniest bit, catching the tiny flash drive that falls out. It had been sewn loosely into the seems to hide it. That seamstress was really smart, I've gotta say. After I've obtained the flash drive, I make my way to the exit. They're both still dead asleep.

Shutting the door behind me softly, I tread with light footfalls to the door across the hall, opening it and peaking my head in to find an empty bedroom, though it doesn't look like a guest bedroom. There are posters of motorcycles and a couple of near-naked girls on the walls, with the dark blue sheets all messed up. Aside from that and a couple other things you'd find in a typical bedroom, it's empty. The owner of it must not've come back last night, probably out with a girl or something. But I'm not going to make assumptions about a person I've never met.

Closing that door, I walk down the hall and check the second to last one, only to find a fairly large bathroom. I don't even bother closing the door to it, just make my way to the last one to find... jackpot. An office.

I step in and shut the door behind me, then I trek over to the large desk in the center, riddled with a bunch of super high-tech computers. I would be surprised if I wasn't Academy. We've got plenty of tech gods, so I've seen stuff like this before. Still, it's pretty cool.

Walking around the desk, I turn on the computer in the middle, groaning quietly at the screen that brings me to the password. Of course they'd have one, but what the hell would they make it?

First, I try the obvious: 1234. When that doesn't work, I go with the second best option: password. Still nothing. God, I so wish I was a techie right now. I mean, I'm good at computers, but I've definitely met better in the Academy. Too bad that's not my field of expertise, though.

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