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Ever since I was a baby I have always been overlooked, second priority and not good enough for anyone whether it be my parents , teachers or my friends. Basically everybody preferred my older sister Victoria I mean who wouldn't? Shiny blonde locks, perfect teeth, ocean blue eyes, who would even look at me? I mean I literally have the same hair like my sister,but it is not as shiny as hers. How does she even get it so shiny?
Like she would tell me.

Parents are supposed to treat the children equally right? Or the second child is much more pampered than the oldest. It is the exact opposite in my life .Even though she is only 2 years older than me, her life is very different from mine. She has this beautiful room with everything a 15 year old could ever ask for, and then there's me - I literally got stuck with the attic for a bedroom.Yes, you read that right! I actually live in the attic of our bungalow! And that's not the worst part! There are so many bedrooms in our bungalow but there are reserved for guests A.K.A  Victoria's friends for when they come over for sleepovers. I've tried talking to my parents about letting me move into one of the bedrooms but my pleas fall on deaf ears.
Huh! This is jus like Harry Potter, except nothing exciting is ever going to happen in my life. I mean I like to read! The only exciting thing that happens in my life is when a fictional character dies!(Yes, I'm weird, deal with it) Victoria on the other hand plays the guitar, is a topper and plays football, basketball, tennis- You name it! You might have figured out by now that Victoria and I are polar opposites. While nobody likes me, everybody loves Victoria. Well that's an exaggeration- people don't really "hate -hate" me but if I suddenly disappeared one day they would be fine with it. Ive literally had people only become friends with me so that they they could talk to Victoria and somehow weasel into her friend group. And Victoria actually encourages this! It's like she goes" Oh! Come here into my friend group and don't forget to stomp all over my sister's heart while coming here!" Victoria has always hated me ever since I was born which I find weird since she literally has no reason to hate me, In fact I should be hating her. Well, this sets the mood for the rest of my school life and so you know what to expect.
Hi, I'm Aloria and this is my story.

Hey guys, this my first story and I hope you enjoyed the prologue! If you did, please vote for it and leave your comments! I would love to read them! See ya soon!

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