Chapter 7: The Princess Turns Out To Be The Villan

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It's been a few days since I talked to Sienna, and I've been trying to find any scrap of evidence that my sister owns a gun without entering her room, which is pretty difficult to do, considering the fact that our house is humongous and I don't know where to start looking.

I have started listening more intently to the conversations that my parents have, but that is mostly useless.

The reason why my parents are not suspicious of me is because I have earphones in and I pretend that I'm listening to music when in reality, there's nothing playing and I'm just randomly scrolling on my phone.

They talk a lot about someone named Luca and keep on gossiping on and on about him.

I usually get 2 to 3 hours in the house when nobody is at home, and for the past three days I've been looking here and there for something, anything that would help incriminate my parents and sister.

I know it sounds really cruel when I put it that way, but you have to realize, they have treated me horribly ever since I was born and anyways, it's the right thing to do.

I've realized that there's a lot of stuff we don't even need in the house. Like, who wants a machine that makes ice and it's connected to a stationary cycle and it starts producing ice when you cycle.

How does that even work? Like the ice has to come from somewhere right? I found it in the basement along with a number of boxes but there was nothing useful in it, only Victoria's trophies.

I was in the basement when suddenly I heard the door of the basement door opening.

I literally got so scared and thought there was a ghost on top of the stairs.

It was worse. It was the devil herself, Victoria.

Obviously, she asked me,"What are you even doing here? Are you really that jealous of me that you've come here to admire my trophies and compare them to your non-existent ones?"

I said," Not everything is about you, you know? There are other people in this world other than you."

Victoria just smirked and said,"Well, tell one of those people to get you out of the basement."

She then immediately shut the door of the basement and it was pitch dark for a second.

I turned the light switch on, and burst into peals of laughter.

I'm sure you must think I'm reacting due to the pressure of being locked in and staying here for God knows how long, but really I'm just laughing because Victoria has become way too predictable.

She has been doing the same thing to me since I was a kid. In whichever room I was in, she would suddenly appear and lock the door from outside and used to trap me inside.

One time, I was locked in the bathroom on the 2nd floor for 6 hours and it was finally Maria was the one to open the door. Not my parents, not my sister who felt remorse for me, but Maria who heard shouting and opened the door.

Maria has been with us ever since I was born and is the sweetest, kindest soul in the world. She's in her mid-fifties and is always smiling. She has taken more care of me than my biological parents ever have.

After the first dozen times or so, I essentially evolved and with help from Maria, duplicated every key to every room in our house.

My parents have not changed the locks ever, and probably never will.

I simply waited for 10 minutes or so and then opened the door. Victoria seriously thinks she is some type of Disney princess but the harsh reality is that she's just a Disney villan, using the same tactics all the time.

That reminds me, I need to find a way to get inside Victoria's room, because that's the only way I'll find anything.

Victoria was currently in her room,and I know that because I can hear the rock music blasting through the speakers.

I then saw the door to my father's study open, and seeing that the coast was clear, I sneaked inside and closed the door.

On the table, there were credit card bills and I started skimming through them when I read one of the bills.

Why did Dad buy that?!

What was it that Aloria found so shocking? Find out in the next chapter!
See ya!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 14, 2020 ⏰

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