Chapter 2 : Social Media... and Other Stuff

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Okay, the main question is what do I type....

Why don't I start with "How to change your life?" The Google results were all predictable. Be yourself(that doesn't work! Look what that got me to!), Interact more( And embarrass myself even more? No thanks)

The list of things goes on and on and I don't know what to do!
After searching online for over an hour with no results, I decided to Google my name just to see what comes up. Uh...
Something did come up and it's the worst thing...
I have a hate account on Instagram. What?! How did I not know about this until now?! It's been up for the past three years! And surprise surprise it's run by Victoria.

The account is filled with all sorts of stuff,memes on me and how supposedly I have horrible fashion sense,and stupid jokes made by the students of my school.

What should I do? I can't report this to a teacher, then they'll hate me even more! Should I ignore it? Confront Victoria?

You know what? Forget it for now. No point being so obsessive about it. It's not like the page is going to magically disappear overnight....

After spending 1 or 2 hours unsuccessfully searching for how to change my life and all those other variations, I've decided to really be me from now on. No more worrying about what others will think. They already hate me, how much worse could it get?

Wait a minute, how many followers were on that hate page..?
450?! Is the whole school in on this or something?!

Who knows, they might be. It's time to forget about the stupid account and continue on with my life as nothing has changed. Wait a second, did I just hear a car door slamming? That must mean my "dear sister" is home. Why is she shouting though? Wasn't she with her friends?

I slowly sneak over to my bedroom window and peak through the curtains. Victoria is having a huge fight with her friends and her voice can be heard till here even though my window is closed.

" I don't want to be friends with you guys anymore! Why did you even do that? Don't you have any respect?!"
That's what she said. What happened and why is she so angry with them?

Oh my god. One of Victoria's friends just threw a glass full of lemonade at her. After doing that, they just drove off and everyone in the car was laughing.

After that, Victoria didn't immediately leave but spent a few minutes outside, talking on the phone-probably to one of her remaining lackeys.

But I still don't understand what happened. Did Victoria find out something? Did they support one of her many enemies?

Oh well, I'll find out in school tomorrow. All the rumours spread like wildfire there. All about who is taking to whom, which "clique" went where and all that rubbish.

After entering the house Victoria immediately went up to the room and slammed the door and started playing music at a really high volume.
Guess it's time for my earbuds!

But really, I can't wait for tomorrow....

Hey guys! What do you think Aloria should do about the hate account? And what do you think happened to Victoria?

I would love to know. Please like, comment and share my stories!
See ya!

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