Chapter 1: School Life( Prison life is more like it)

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School...what can I say about school other than it's horrible for me? Other than the normal things to whine about, like homework or exams there's also the fact that all the people have their own specific groups and which friends to hang out with... I have no one.

Everyday, all I see is kids laughing together and having fun and cracking jokes, and then there's me,sitting all alone in one corner of the classroom, trying to act like none of it bothers me.

And I am literally invisible, and I don't know what to do about it.

I always thought that when things got too bad at home, I could always think of school and all the amazing friends who would support me. Jeez, who knew it would turn out in exactly the opposite way? It started the first day of school. Nobody knew anyone.

But still, I don't know how,they immediately disregarded me and interacted with everyone but me. I was confused at first but then I realised, who else is responsible for this other than Victoria?

The queen bee, the popular one had obviously convinced everyone and talked about what a loser I was. It's not suspicion, it's the truth. Wanna know how I found this out?

Victoria told me this herself, boasting about the fact that she made everyone turn on me. Why would you boast about such a thing?

There is literally no reason why she hates me so much. Our parents obviously love her more than me,so why is going out of her way to make my life miserable?

Because of her, my life at school is horrible. Whenever it comes to group projects, it's me who's always alone because nobody wants to do any project with me. What can I even do to make this better? I don't even sit in the canteen nowadays, not after that horrible accident which involved me tripping over someone's stretched foot and my food, instead of being in the plate,was on my head.

I instead sit outside,in the secluded corner of the garden and eat my food so as to not get embarrassed again.

Uh oh, I see my sister with her friends. Hopefully they don't see me. I would just be another object for them to ridicule. Victoria looks so happy with them, definitely more happy than the times she has been forced to talk to me. Those times, she looked at me like I was the dirt beneath her shoes.

While she goes home in her friend's car, I'm stuck with taking the bus or walking  back home. Both our parents work, so we have the house to ourselves till at least 6pm.
Victoria literally loves to chat on the phone with her friends for hours but me? I just sit and mope around and do homework and all the boring stuff.

You know what? Enough of this moping around and self-pity. My lifestyle has to change, now! I can't just sit and wallow and talk about Victoria's perfect life without even attempting to change mine! Well, I did try to change it but that didn't work out...
NO!I am going to be the better version of myself!

How should I do that though? Well, you know what they say, when in doubt, just Google!

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