Chapter 5: The Sneak Attack( Part 2)

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Victoria was going on blabbering about life and whatnot when suddenly her friend must have asked about school or something because Victoria then said

"Oh yeah, I'm not friends with those guys anymore. They freaked out when I told them I had a gun."

Hold up, WHAT? Victoria has a gun?! Do our parents know about this? Why does she have a gun? Where did she get it?

And most importantly, HOW did she get it?

You can't even own a gun until you're 18!

Her friend seemed unbothered by the declaration and continued talking to her. Based of the reaction, I bet Victoria is talking to Ethel, one of our cousins who has always been a rebel. Ethel must have already known that Victoria has a gun and must have even got it for her as she's 19.....

No wonder her friends left her. I thought they might have been a misunderstanding but I thought it was weird that all of them would be against Victoria. What else would you do when you find out your friend has a gun and has the capacity to shoot you at any moment? At least by distancing yourself,  you have less chances of being alone with the person and less chances of being shot.

Wait a minute..... does that mean the moment I step out of line, my sister can SHOOT me?

She wouldn't even need an incentive, she could just do it at this very moment.......

What should I do? I can't tell my parents, they'll obviously not believe me without proof, and even with proof my parents would just say I set it up by putting a fake gun or something.

Should I call the police? But, then again I don't have evidence.....

Maybe I should just talk to Victoria's ex- friends.....

Sienna, I feel would be the most forthcoming out of all 6 of Victoria's friends.

I believe an introduction to Victoria's ex-friends is needed.

First you have Zayden, the stereotypical  jock of the group, who defeats the whole stereotype of being the dumb jock by being the smartest in the group!
His preferred sport is football, but he knows every type of sport, and I'm not even exaggerating.
He's fairly rich, but is not the richest of the group.

That honour goes to Sloane, who owns two humongous mansions, on the same street! Not that I've had the pleasure of being to any one of her mansions, I've just read about it in various magazines and seen pictures of it on her Instagram.

You would expect her to be snobby and think she's the greatest person on the Earth, but she's really kindhearted and one of two people who have not looked down on me like I'm the dirt on her shoe. You must be wondering, then why doesn't she stand up to Victoria when she bullies other kids?

Everyone knows Victoria is ruthless, and standing up to her means you are done for. Maybe because I uncovered new information about her, it could change.....

Next comes Lucia, the wannabe Queen Bee but failing miserably. She tries to hop on the latest trends and tries to be effortlessly cool like Victoria, but ends up looking like a poodle on the runway with too much makeup on ( Sorry Not Sorry)

She has the capacity to explode at anyone at any moment, about the smallest things. She's like a ticking bomb, and you don't want to be there when she explodes.

Riven, is the quiet one of the group. He likes playing the piano but also loves to play basketball. He has piercing blue eyes and you feel like he's looking into your soul. He is really perceptive, and you can't conceal your true emotions in front of him.

However, like most of the group, he gets angry easily and he loves to spread gossip, no matter whether it's true or completely fake.

Maddox, is the only one in the group who I am truly scared of. She is scarier than Victoria, and rest be assured, if you even look at her the wrong way, she will beat you up.

Maybe that's why Victoria and her used to be best friends. But even she was not able to handle the fact that Victoria has a gun.

Sienna, the angel of the group, is the one who protects all the students from Maddox's wrath and tries to stop Maddox from attacking the students whenever she can. She has tried to convince Victoria of treating me better many times, but Victoria is not one to listen to anyone.

She has always smiled at me in the hallways of the school and is truly the best person I've known till now, even if I have hardly talked to her.

I bet she will understand the situation and help me out. But since I don't have her number, I'll have to talk to her in school tomorrow. Let's see how that works out.

Another chapter! Yay!
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