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Author's Note:

Hey! Congratulations! You've found my story! *does mini celebration* So...ahhh...Disclaimers! I don't own any of the characters or (most of) the setting in this fanfiction. Those belong to their original creators. All i have is my writing and how i portray the characters.......This idea came to me when i was sitting all bored at home. I was at a writer's block at the time with all of my other stories, so i took out my leather-bound notebook and began to write.Ah, but enough of the boring introductions! You came here for the story, not to hear (or read) me ramble on about my life. So, of course, leave a Fav. and comment if you liked the story! Please Enjoy!

(P.S: This first chapter has no references to Sword Art Online. I needed to show the endgame, albeit in a bit more of a dramatic way, so that we get a little bit of story to how Robin got to the other world. So this story kind of shows my take on what could have happened when Robin dissappeared from everywhere in the Fire Emblem Awakening world, after sacrafice of course!!!)


"I will always have my humanity! You will never take that from me!" A tall white haired woman shouted into the darkness that was so thick that for once in her life, she couldn't see through it.

"Humanity?" A voice that sounded much like her own, except with a hollow echoey tone, scoffed." Humanity is worth nothing in the eyes of a GOD!" A dense mass of something seeming to be like fog floated into her restricted vision, and Robin fought hard to stand her ground as the anti- Robin, as Chrom had taken to calling her, or Grima's avatar from the future-past, took form before her. Robin felt her knees go weak as the temperature dropped suddenly and energy was drawn from her body to feed the Fell Dragon.

"You-are NOT-a GOD!" Robin struggled to speak, and her sudden burst of fleeting courage left her as Grima let out a bone-chilling laugh.

"How misled i was back in those days.....ahhhh......" Then Grima's voice went from pleasant to sinister. "Now, I ask you one more time: Will you join me and wreak havoc upon this puny little place you call home?"


"Very well. I suppose I will have to dispose of you myself!" Grima raised one of her hands and gathered a dark magic spell into her palm. Robin knew what was about to happen, but she couldn't move, couldn't do anything to stop it. "NOW! DIE!!!!!!!!!" Expiration slammed into Robin's body, sending her flying backwards, where she landed on her feet, and then fell to the ground like a rag doll. "Such a shame, we could have ruled the world, Robin...." The avatar of Grima whispered.

I cannot see, I cannot hear, it's all just a sea of black, I feel......nothing......No, final cards to play, no final strategy to employ....He has won....... Robin gave up any and all hope as she felt herslef draining away

"-ve to ------------ack!" Something began to pierce her mind. It was a familiar that belonged to someone she knew.....

"Huh?" She mumbled weakly

"You -ave to -ight -ack!----------ighting!"

"W- What?"

"Fight back, Robin! You swore to do so, remember? Now is the time to keep your damn word!"

The realization hit her like a stone wall. "C-Chrom?!" She felt her energy returning to her as the soothing voice of her husband lulled her away from the sweet darkness."Chrom! Chrom!!! I can hear you!" Robin began to climb slowly to her feet, and Grima's avatar spun around in rage and confusion.

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