Chapter two

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The male went back to the vehicle he was driven in. "Did you get someone this time, Jeff?" A brunette girl with a green eye and a clock for the other one. "Shut up Clockwork, I got her," He says. "Finnaly," Another brunette says, but a male with scars on him. "I wish you died when I tried to slit your throat, Liu," He says. "Shut up Jeff. Natalie, can you please drive us back to the mansion?" He asks. "Gladly," She says.

Clockwork aka Natalie puts the car into drive with the stick shift. She moves out of the parking lot then doing a U-turn going towards a cliff. She steps all the way on the gas going nearly towards a hundred. She drive on to the cliff but instead of driving off they go in a forest with a mansion near. She starts to slow down when she reaches the mansion. At twenty she stops a few feet away.

They all get out with Y/n in Natalie's arms. "We got her, only had to kill one bitch," Jeff says opening the door, Liu opening the other one for Natalie. "Good, less casualties," A tall milk looking man with no eyes, ears, mouth or anything. "The bitch stabbed me in the arm and leg," Jeff says. "Hah, bitch," Some blonde boy says with red and black eyeballs along with a Link cosplay and blood running down his face and water on him. "Ben, you Link rip-off I'll cut you," Jeff says charging at Ben but before he can stab him the tall man picks him up with some tentacles.

"What's happening?" A brunette girl with a pink dress and blood on her asks. "Nothing Sally," A white and black cloak man says picking her up. "Okay," She says yawning. "Put the girl in a room, I'll talk to her when she wakes up," The tall man with no features says to Natalie. Sally gasps, "New people? Yay! More friends," She says. Natalie takes Y/n to a spare room of someone's who left.

"Lmao- bitch," Creepypasta X Dumbass ReaderTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang