Chapter three

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Y/n wakes up in an unfamiliar room. "The fuck kinda bullshit is this?" She questions. Natalie looks up then goes out of the room "The girl is awake," She says. The tall man enters. "What the fuck kind of crack was in the vents?" She asks. "None, I am Slender-Man," He says. "Ooh- the pedo creepypasta who kidnaps kids, wait you can't smash me I'm not a kid," She says.

Behind Slender Jeff snorts. "I'm not a pedo, I want to recruit you to the creepypasta's," He says. Y/n gets up off the bed. "Why would I join, and why did you choose me to join your murder cult?" She asks. "You almost defeated one of the strongest creepypasta's, I chose you because you're ignored, bullied and hated, most of creepypasta's reasons for joining," He says.

"Stalker pedo?" She asks. Jeff snorts again. "I'm not a pedo or stalker jeez," He says. "Sure, I still don't want to join your cult," She says. "It isn't a cult," He says face palming. "I don't trust you," She says trying to run but being grabbed by Slender's tentacles. "Kinky," She says.

"You fucking- what kind of shit are you in to? Never mind, why don't you wanna join?" He asks. "I don't know, probably because I don't want to join your murder cult," She says. "It isn't a murder cult, you bitch," Jeff says.

"Shut up eye lidless Jeff," Y/n says looking at Jeff. "Bitch," He says leaving.

"Lmao- bitch," Creepypasta X Dumbass ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now