An Enygma

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They reached the circus shortly, and they stood at the center. The huge Ferris wheel towered behind them, creaking. Across was a hall of mirrors, and through the passageways of the fair were empty. Nothing was on the dusty ground save for dust, dirt and an old popcorn cart. Where there was color, it was only yellow. Where there were none, it was but a dull shade of gray. Only The humans wore different colors.

And yes, Mr. Wayne, black is included.

"Question." Said a voice behind them, leaving them startled.

The lanterns lit up their rings, alert for any signs of danger, but Batman new all too well.

He glared his eyes as he spoke his name.


"Correct, Batman, it is I. But Riddle me this. How are we not where we are?" He asked.

"I expected to find another face, I didn't want this." Kyle said.

"Ah-ah!! Answer my Riddle, if you need to get out of this." Replied the Riddler.

"What do you know, Nygma!?" Growled Bruce.

"I know enough. But I won't tell. You need to solve my riddle. How are we not where we are? And how is Scarecrow not the one who controls this world?" He said.

"How am I not beatin the hell outta your ass right now?" Asked Guy.

"Because you can't." Smirked Nygma.

"Why you little piece'a shit!!" Growled Gardner as a giant fist construct appeared from his ring to pound Nygma, but passed through him.

"It's not just me. Look." He threw his cane at Batman and it passed through the cowl and cape.

"Now there's your first clue. Good luck gentlemen." Smiled Nygma and left.

"Solve his Riddles. How are we not where we are, and how is Scarecrow not the one who controls this world?" Festered Bruce.

"Come on, big guy, You're not really playing his game, are ya?" Asked Guy.

"Forget it, he's on a roll." Added Kyle.

"Um, maybe it's because we're not on Qward, and because Sinestro owns the ring." Tried Hal.

"No, I don't think that's it, but I think you're getting somewhere." Said John.

"Who goes there? Please... Please help us." Yelled a feminine voice.

The five rushed to where the voice was coming from, and relieved to see a familiar face, even though she was a villain, but her company was an ally.

Batman: the Scarecrow's RingWhere stories live. Discover now