Chapter 3 Kaden

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When I got to my hotel room. I still couldn't stop thinking about that girl.... weird because I had just met her. So the first thing I did was stalk her, only got to her social media photography page, wow she really took nice pictures, Dad had a competition there. But then Josie got into my mind again, "No Kaden enjoy this trip", I said to myself. 

That's why the next day I decided to go to that sidewalk again. I waited for hours but no sign of the girl, Violet. I know it felt weird me stalking her and everything, I didn't even like her, how could I? if I was still thinking about Josie. Yes, she was beautiful, but there was something about her I just didn't saw in anyone else and I was going to figure out what it was. 

She didn't show up, so I decided to go to a fencing tournament, basically, the whole point of my trip was to watch fencing games. It really helped me to clear my head, I enjoy fencing a lot, Mom told me that since I was a kid I loved to play sports and that it always helped me when I needed to be alone. Fencing has always taught me to be strong, rigid, agile, and smart since that is what you need to win, and what I need in life. 

It got over in 2 hours, and I got out of there hungry, so I went to a restaurant. Restaurants in Sulambia weren't like the ones in Illea, they were decorated with the Sulambia flag, and the streets were too, along with the houses. I supposed they were because of the war that is going on recently. But then I saw a beautiful brown haired girl, with bright green eyes, and that's when I saw her, wow I really thought I was never going to see her again. She was with her family, I decided to wave at her so she would recognize me and of course, she did like everybody in that restaurant did too.

-"Prince Kaden can I take a picture with you?"- said one

-"Prince Kaden can I get your autograph please?- said another

That's when a multitude started coming towards me, so we had to exit the restaurant. Gosh, I hated when this happened, couldn't I be a normal person who could be at a table and eat? of course, I couldn't make that choice.

-"Prince Kaden?- someone called out loud, her. I turned out to face her.

-"Lady Violet, I told you we were going to meet again"- my voice tone was delicate.

-"Why did you wave at me at the restaurant?"- She cut me off, I couldn't understand why.

-"From all these people you are the only one I know, though I'll say hi to a friend"- was my response.

-"Well, you are not my friend, you don't even know me..."-

-"And you don't know me either, the papers can say one thing but I can say another"- I knew how to deal with women like this, dad taught me how to deal with them.

-"Why do I catch your attention? I am just a regular girl, from another country who is mean, and you still say hi to me? if I were you, I would just run away and wish to never see me again..."-

"Then let's get time to know each other, I will be staying here for a while, and I have no idea of what could I do. So I was thinking you could be my guide, take me to places I don't know, and in exchange, you could get a reward"- I had no idea why I said that, I needed to see what dragged me too much to this girl.

She stood there silent for a while, then came closer until our noses almost touch each other than got to my ear and whispered...

-"I am not one of your puppets Prince, find someone else maybe another pretty girl, I am sure she will be pleased to be your guide "-  

By that, she started to walk away but I got her arm, she turned around.

-"You are not a regular pretty girl"- I said, my voice softer than ever.

She met my eyes, and stared for a long while, it was like this was the most important decision of her life, weird.

-"Fine, but with one condition, it has to be anonymous, nobody can know"- her voice was desperate like if something went wrong, it would be the end of the world for her.

-"We have a deal, I promise you"-  my voice tone sounded more confident, I needed to convince her I was someone she could trust.

I extended my hand, and she raised it too and shacked it, finally. 

- So.... where do you want to meet tomorrow?"- she said.

-"Our usual place"-

-"Which is?"-

-"The sidewalk of course"-

-"Sure... then see you tomorrow I guess"-

-"See you tomorrow"-

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