Chapter 8 Violet

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I had to do everything in secret, my backpack was under my bed along with my stuff. I was already starting to question if this was a good idea, leaving my family to go and live my life with a complete stranger. Not if like Kaden was a stranger, he was a prince, after all, I think I am starting to question everything because I can't face the fact that in order to leave I will have to tell my family EVERYTHING. 2 days have passed since my last encounter with Kaden, and that meant we were leaving tomorrow, every time I packed I thought about how I was going to tell my parents that I am dropping out school to go and live in Illea with a prince. I knew sooner or later I had to tell them, I just didn't know-how. 

I had passed all day packing and I told my parents I wasn't feeling too good, so they just left me alone. But I knew I had to tell them at dinner, as I walked down the stairs my heart was pulsing so fast and I think I was starting to sweat. Mom served dinner and at first, we talked about our usual day, but then I had to say it...

"Mom... dad, what would you think if I was offered an awesome opportunity out of the country?"

"What are you saying Violet?"- My mom asked, with a nonjoking tone. She always was straightforward.

"I am saying I was offered a job at Illea"- I said, if she wanted me to be straight forward then so be it.

"Illea? why Illea, and when?"- my dad said this time.

"Because my friend offered me one, and it is a pretty good one, so I think I will go"

"You never told us you had a friend who lived in Illea"- mom said, this time very surprised.

"It's because I just met him a few weeks ago"

"Then how do you know this friend is trustworthy? he could be a robber or a very bad person...."

"Because this friend is the prince!" - I said, gosh finally I said it.

But when I was hoping for an answer, nobody said anything. Even Blade was silent, they kept staring at me, shocked. So I realized they were waiting for me to say something. 

"Look, I didn't tell you before because I knew how you were going to react, besides... I didn't feel the need of telling any of you, I want this for myself and I am going to take this opportunity I was given." I said, with a strong voice.

Silence again, I saw my dad thinking his words and my mom was still processing all the information, so my brother spoke.

"I vote for her approval," he said.

I smiled, and then my dad spoke.

"I just wanted to let you know I am not angry, but I am disappointed that you didn't tell us sooner, it is a lot to process you know, and maybe you could have introduced us to the prince and not have told us it was only a one-time thing, so we would have known what type of people the royal family of Illea are".

"No offense dad, but the royal family of Illea is known all around the world, I have been studying them for weeks since Kaden showed up and I have even talked to the Queen, so believe me, I am in good hands," I said

Then it was my mom's turn.

"But what about school? and your life here, and us, Violet your family needs you right now, I need you right now."

"I know Mom, but if I don't take this, it is very likely that I am not going to make it out of Sulambia, you were never going to provide for me outside and I want to follow a career I know will succeed in Illea. The school will be covered for me depending on my work there, so believe me when I tell you I have it all covered".

"So then it's settled? You are just going to leave?!" Mom said, angry.

"Auden left, and you seemed to be okay with it"

"Don't compare yourself to your brother, he is in a completely different position".

"It is the same position! You just don't tell him anything because he gives you money, it's always like that for you, you shut up every time when it is about money."

"Violet Cameron!" Dad said this time, placing his fist on the desk and very angry.

"Look, I am sorry I didn't tell you sooner, but I am telling you now, this will make me happy, and I am going on this trip whether you like it or not. I am leaving tomorrow, and I could really use your support, so let me know if you have it."

And by that, I ran upstairs and shut the door, I had a big day tomorrow and I wasn't going to spend my last day in Sulambia worrying about my parents. 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 08, 2021 ⏰

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