Chapter 6 Kaden

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I got back to my hotel room and figured out it was time to call my parents. I haven't heard from them in a whole week and to my surprise, I haven't heard from Illea either.

-"Kaden, thank goodness you called are you okay?" Mom answered first.

-"Hey Mom, I am very good, Sulambia is a fascinating country, how are you?"

-"I am fine honey, and so is your father, I have seen in the papers about the places you have visited, they are pretty fascinating"

-"They are mom, I actually have a tour guide, she is a girl and she has great knowledge about this country and has introduced me to these wonderful places"

-"That's great Kaden, but are you sure this girl is trustworthy? you know how people are when it comes to us"

-"She is, I actually investigated her before, you have nothing to worry about" I lied, I barely even knew about Violet, but again I got a feeling I could trust her.

-"I hope so Kaden, so when are you coming back?"

That was a question I didn't know the answer to, I have really enjoyed being in Sulambia and I really didn't miss Illea, but I knew at some point I had to go back, I just don't know when.

-"I really don't know mom, I haven't thought about it"

-"I am really glad you are enjoying yourself, but you can't stay there much longer Kaden, you also have to be here for your sister and Sulambia is having a war and I wouldn't want you in the middle of it"

-"I know mom, but as far as I know, in here in the city, anything has happened and I am pretty well protected. Besides, Eadlyn is handling the country pretty well, and I am not involved in any of it"

-"So what, you want to stay there forever? you know you can't do that, even if you are an adult you are still the Prince and...

-"I am not planning to stay, I just... need a little more time"

-"How long then?"

-"I don't know...

-"We will give you one more week, I am sorry but I can't give you more, Illea is really struggling and we really need you here"

-"That's fine with me, but... can I make a request?"

-"Of course"

-"Can I bring my tour guide with me?"


-"The girl, the one who has been with me this whole time, she has very excellent skills in photography just like dad... and she really needs help, her family is really struggling and I think if we help her here she can have better opportunities than in Sulambia"

-"Kaden, I really like that you want to help the girl, but... you barely know her, what if she tries to harm us, we can't take that chance"

-"Well it is not like dad and Eadlyn have done the same, with their Selections they only knew the backgrounds of their lives to welcome them into the palace, it is the same with this girl."

-"Do you... like her"

-"No! mom, how could I? I just broke up with Josie and she is a really nice girl and needs help, that is all"

-"Well I will talk to your father and we will let you know"

-"Thank you mom"

-"Always honey, have a nice week"

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