Chapter 9

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Irene's POV

I woke up when I heard my phone ringing loudly. I turn to my right and saw Wendy is still sleeping soundly beside me, since it's too late to go back, I slept in the girls's house.

"Hello, who this?" I asked.

"Hello, this is your faithful and handsome husband in case you forgot. I'm calling to ask when are you going home because I need your attention too Mrs Kim." I chuckled when I heard his voice, 'How in the world did you the cold queen end up with this guy again?'

"I'll be home in the evening, love. Can you pick me up?"

"Absolutely, anything for my lady. See you later, take care babe. I love you more than you love me."

" Hahahaha. I guess I love you too?"

" YOU GUESS? BAE JOO..." I end the call before he can nag. He must be so annoyed right now but that's the fun of doing that, lol. Plus, I haven't told him yet about the pregnancy since both of us been busy lately, so I need to plan the surprise fast.

I touched my belly, our 8 weeks fetus, our prove of love, our life. It's been, 8 years since we first met, 6 years since we started dating, two years since our vows and now here we are expecting. How can I not realize when I miss my period for two months already.

I woke the girls to help me preparing the suprise, since Taehyung will pick me up after work might as well do it at Seulgi's home. I called BTS boys to come over to hang out but to not tell Tae anything. The boys agreed since the girls have them wrapped around their finger.

After we finished decorating the place and also preparing food, it was almost half an hour before Tae and the boys came. We get ready and went to the living room just time when the bell rang.

"What's this decoration for?" Tae and the boys asked.

"To celebrate Seulgi unnie freedom of course!" Yerim said while looking at Jimin.

All of the girls laughed and the boys joined but bitterly. We sit at the living room and started eating together. We laughed and talked just like we used to be except for Jimin and Seulgi. Seulgi been ignoring Jimin's existence since he came through that door but aside that Seul looks happy.

" So everyone, what a night if we dont play games right? Let's play Whisper Challenge." Sooyoung suggest happily.

" Okay Sooyoung, anything for you." Jin said.

" Screw you, Mr Kim Seokjin. Okay everyone, let's start with our love birds, Tae oppa and Joohyun unnie." Sooyoung said.

Okay, it's time Joohyun ahh for the announcement. The girls catch the cue and start to prepare behind Tae's chair. I was sitting far across him.

"1, 2, 3 start!" Wendy yelled.

" I ... am .... preg ... nant! " The boys in awe and realized it was a celebration after all. They cheered and laughed.

" What? I am pig?" Tae replied. He cannot catched what I am saying.

" YOU... WILL ... BE ... A ... DAD ... soon" I yelled again.

" You will be dead? Tf are you saying babe. " All of us laughed with his answer.

" WE ARE PREGNANT, MORON. " I said again.

"Slowly, Bae." I swear if this is a real game, he's never going to be my partner.

" WE,"

" WE,"

" ARE,"

" ARE"


" Ohh, I get it, I get it. WE ARE PREGNANT, MORON!" He pulled his headphone and cheered for himself just when he realized,


" SURPRISE KIM TAEHYUNG, YOU'RE GOING TO BE A DAD SOON!" everyone cheered as soon as I finished.

He run to me and hugged me tightly. I saw tears streaming down his cheeks. 'oh how can I not love this guy.' I whispered to myself.

" Thank you Joo, we've been waiting for this. Thank you for carrying our baby, my love. Thank you for being my life and my love." As his cry getting louder, his hug also getting tighter. Everyone joined the hug and congratulates us. Like it or not, they'll be the baby's godfather and godmother.

The surprise was going just the way I planned. What a day, but seeing Taetae happy, and everyone here, I realized that we've had a long way behind us and another long way ahead. No matter what happens, this family remains what it is.

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