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'Come on we'll be fine out here Winter our parents taught us well'

Winter sighs as Snowflake trotted out onto the snowy terrain. Arctic werewolves greeted them by bowing their wolfy heads kindly, in a show of respect. The reason for this was because Winter's canine form wasn't a wolf rather they were an arctic Fox it was an ancient canine to shift into you don't see anymore of these type of shifters because of the ancient war that happened 100 years ago when all fox shifters were hunted down. But some survived but only because they hid in there canine bodies growing closer and more in tune with them. Due to this some of these shifters forgot they could shift this led to them and their fox becoming one mind leaving them as normal foxes.

When Winter was born the weather had instantly turned colder the weather bringing the strongest snow storm that humans and werewolves had seen in years. She got her name because when the storm was supposed to hit her pack's territory she had cried out. No one knows how but the storm suddenly disappeared turning only into a small snowstorm gentle flakes flowing around the area. They named her Winter thinking she was given a blessing from the moon goddess to control the winter weather. Winter smiled at remembering the reaction her pack had when she had shifted when she turned 15. She remembered feeling free as the wind blew her snow white fur her fox tail swishing back and forth as she stood there when the pack howled and cheered congratulating her for being blessed with returning the rare and ancient arctic fox shifters.

Snapping out of her thoughts Winters ears twitched as a mouse scurried under the snow. Snowflake loved to hunt and this also gave Winter a chance to tune in into her fox more and more but without making her and Snowflake's mind become one. Winter stopped moving and listened closely before she jumped with such graceful skill before her head was in the snow the mouse in her mouth and now dead from shock. Snowflake purred enjoying the taste after pulling her head out and munching the mouse happily. Her ear swished backwards instantly hearing a twig snap under someone's paw. Quickly getting to her paws Snowflake took over, Winter's green eyes turned blue as she did so. Snowflake scanned the forest part of the territory only to see her alpha step into her line of sight. 'It's just me Snowflake' the alpha said through the pack link calming her down instantly, as Snowflake retreated back letting Winter have control 'Alpha Michael don't sneak up on us like that' Winter said back through the link as she trotted over and stared up at her alpha that she knew since she was a child after her parents had died. 'Sorry I did intentionally step on a stick at least' Michael responds as he came down to Winter's height in his wolf form, this was also a show of respect. Any pack who had a fox shifter was considered to be the most honored and respected pack since they were rare, especially if it was an arctic fox shifter. 'Snowflake and I were going to return soon what brings you out here Michael?' Winter asked while they walked back into the woods to the pack house with ease. Before Michael responds they turned separate ways and hid behind trees shifting out of their canine bodies and putting on their stashed clothes before stepping out and greeting each other again. "Well another alpha will be coming into this territory to evaluate the pack as well as hopefully finding his mate and I was hoping you would help everyone relax by being there" he paused, holding up a hand when Winter went to reject his offer. "I know very well you have no interest in finding your mate yet Winter but you help keep the unmated wolves calm by being around your fox, Snowflake, cheers them up and they asked me if you'll please be there to keep them positive" Michael says a look of sincere hope. Winter didn't like the idea of it but she sighed when Snowflake encouraged her to be there in the back of her mind. "Well... alright you two are a pain you know" Michael stared at her for a moment before laughing "Snowflake seems to want to go then" Winter just nods as Michael continued to laugh for a while longer as they walked back to the pack house and slipped inside. Even though Winter wasn't the luna of the pack she was treated with the greatest respect among her pack mates she of course repaid their kindness by keeping the icy chill of winter to a minimum and by baking and making hot chocolate and hot cocoa which she enjoyed doing. How does she keep the icy winds at bay? Well that is a gift she received from the moon goddess and to represent this gift a large mark was present on her back when the icy storm came and the mark made itself known. The mark covered all along her back it was like a tattoo, a fox with icy blue eyes, a white body, ready to jump upward, Snowflakes falling in a way they look to be moving. Winter loved the mark it's how she knew her fox's name long before she could hear her speak to her. "Hey Winter what's the weather like" a pack mate and Michaels beta said coming over with a glass of her famous hot cocoa. Winter smiles and looked up at the tall beta she was extremely small compared to her pack mates but she discovered this is because a tall body wouldn't be able to shift into such a smaller canine. (Arctic fox's get to be 9.8 in to 12in in height Winter is 4ft in height giving her fox the height of 1.5ft giving her more ease to escape and attack rogues in her proximity) "The weather is good it's rather nice for fall weather it is a wonder that it hasn't snowed more yet" winter responded as the beta smiled and nodded before heading off to goddess knows where. Winter just shrugged and headed upstairs to her room enjoying the icy air that filled through the open balcony door. It was always open as the cold chill let her be able to keep tabs on the change in weather and set her fox at ease. Slipping off the long sleeved shirt she had on she put on a tank top that revealed alot of the mark on her back. She flipped her snow white hair from under it letting each curl and wave flow freely. She never bothered to have it cut ever since she discovered that the longer her hair the warmer and softer her fox's fur was. Her fox purred as the crisp air hit their warm arms and shoulders. Surprisingly enough her fox still purred like a wolf could which Winter enjoyed listening to. Hopping onto her bed Winter shuffled over and got her phone out quickly replying to the only other fox she had ever come in contact with.

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