What Is This Place

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Winter woke up to the feeling of a cool breeze and the sun casting in through the open balcony she slowly sat up and softly yawned only to stop as the breathtaking scent of her mate engulfed her sense of smell to the max. She purred a bit loudly as she laid back into the blankets to think and to bury herself in John’s scent Snowflake woke up a few moments later after Winter had nearly fallen back asleep. ‘Heyyyy Winter!’ Snowflake complained as Winter sighs and sits up before shuffling to her feet and going to the balcony and looking out over the grounds and gasps seeing John’s pack training at such an early time in the morning. Snowflake nodded with approval of this while Winter just continued to watch with amazement. She herself never really trained with her home pack since she was an arctic fox shifter and not a wolf but that didn't bother her only made her curious. To her surprise her senses picked up a faint smell of her other fox friend that she had been wanting to meet in person formally. Looking over the pack she slowly picked out the red fox shifter, Lucy and before she knew it Lucy had stopped her training and looked toward the balcony before smiling brightly and waving to her which made Winter smile and wave back. This motion from Lucy made the others around her stop and look to where she was waving. Almost instantly each member of the pack bowed their heads in respect and greetings. Winter bowed her head back and smiled softly enjoying their kindness but also unsure of the new role she'll be taking in her mate's pack. She listened as Lucy signaled everyone to continue training till breakfast before she ran toward the front of the pack house. Winter went back into the room and rubbed her arms comforting herself of the nervousness she felt meeting in person with Lucy. Too bad she was out of time as Lucy burst through John's room door and squeals with happiness before embracing Winter in a bone crushing hug with Winter returned only more gentler. "It's good to meet you in person too, Lucy '' Winter said softly while also trying to calm Snowflake who was yipping in her head and prancing around like she was rubbing furs with a long lost friend. "It's good to formally meet you too Winter!" Lucy said, pulling away from the hug keeping her hands on Winter's shoulders and smiling brightly. "I still can't believe you're my twin brother's mate! When you guys showed up I was in utter shock you are definitely prettier in person then in the photo you sent me" Lucy said chuckling making Winter roll her eyes and smile lightly. "Well you certainly are much taller than I expected especially for a red fox shifter." Lucy moved a step back and rubbed the back of her head. "I have an alpha red fox for my canine. The elder had explained the details when I first shifted so I can't say I'm not surprised you would say that '' Winter nodded after Lucy explained that. "Shall we head downstairs and eat John should be back from patrols by now" Lucy said, making Winter tense. Though she trusted John he was a wolf while he was her soulmate she was still cautious of the wolves around her. She felt she could trust Lucy completely till she warmed up to the rest of the pack. Winter nodded and followed Lucy out and down the flight of stairs to the first floor but before they could enter the main living area Lucy pulled her into the nearby bathroom. "You're rather skimpy and showing alot of skin in this outfit sooo I got you this last night while you were asleep!" Lucy said showing Winter it was a grey t-shirt made out of cotton the back was a low cut showing off her marking when her long snow white hair was up, Lucy also picked out cotton (any color) cotton leggings with jean shorts to go over it. Along with beautiful anklets and a gold bracelet. She also gave her brown boots lined with soft fur on the inside. Lucy stepped out and let her change into the outfit and sighs softly the fabric being as gentle as she imagined on her skin. Shaking her head she washed her face, combed her hair and braided it (any kind of braid) before she stepped out of the bathroom she spotted a clip on earring for those who can't commit to piercing. It was a simple earring with a white gold cuff and chain with dangles of snowflakes and sapphire teardrops. She gently clipped it on and put the cuff on. It completed the look and complimented her look quite well. She stepped out and looked at Lucy who clapped and smirked "oooh John is going to be fighting his wolf so much to not claim you right away now" Lucy said making Winter pale but making Snowflake purr in agreement with Lucy. With a heavy sigh Winter smiled meekly and followed Lucy down the hallway and into the dinning room where the rest of the pack was seated waiting. Upon entering everyone but Lucy and herself gasped. Looking around you could see everyone wide eyed and staring at you with amazement but also wonder the males having slight want but they averted their gaze the second John growled at them threateningly. "Good morning Winter" John spoke after clearing his throat, making her look at him and smile with a slight blush. She couldn't help but admire this alpha that is her mate. He was also caring. John stood up like he had just realized something. "Everyone please stand and pay your respect to Winter she is the only arctic fox shifter currently known to live also pay your respects to Lucy she is also a fox." Winter was taken aback by John's words as everyone stood and turned to the two she-foxes and bowed their heads in respect. Lucy took this opportunity to take her phone out pull Winter close "smile winter we gotta tell everyone in the fox shifter community we finally got to meet!" Lucy said already smiling at the camera. Winter chuckles softly while smiling up at the camera as Lucy takes the picture before taking Winter's arm and leading her to two empty chairs on either side of John. Lucy was to John's right and Winter was to his left this meant that Lucy was still currently John's beta (second in command basically) Winter after a moment looked across the table realizing that she would be soon apart of this pack but she was a bit nervous she wasn't anything special in her home pack nor did she know how to truly act in a pack as she never needed to act of any high leading rank in her pack but she was soon-to-be-luna, Not just john's mate but she would become John's most trusted person. Mentally she began to panic but she made sure not to let John know being so close to him their soulmate link was stronger now and he could feel her emotions if he concentrated enough on it. She knew for a fact that being a fox she didn't need to concentrate hard. In fact John was currently feeling compassion, love, pride, and… paranoia? Winter looked at John he looked to be thinking hard about something while he was eating. Winter continued to watch him for a few more moments before returning to her own plate of food. Well more like started to eat she had been sitting there thinking to herself for the past 10 minutes that she completely forgot about her food! 'Relax Winter Lucy I'm sure is willing to help us with our new duties we will eventually take up' Snowflake spoke to Winter reassuringly hoping to ease the nervousness that had sunk into Winter’s skin. She relaxed at Snowflakes words and continued eating while thinking about John and this paranoia he was feeling. 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 13, 2020 ⏰

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