Enid Blyton

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Special thanks to TRAVALERGUPTA for recommending Enid Blyton!

Enid Blyton was a controversial children's literature writers, who penned some best selling stories in the 1930s.  Despite the controversy surrounding her work, she still managed to sell over 600 million copies of her books. Her stories and poems have been translated into over 90 languages.

It is estimated that Enid had written roughly 10,900 short stories, plays, and poems in her lifetime. This caused many to believe she had a team of ghostwriters penning her works, something she vigorously denied.

Many critics have said that Enid recycled her ideas in the stories she told. The critics stated her works weren't all original plots and she didn't have original characters, stating that her creativity was lacking. However, one could argue using 'recycled' material aided her in penning so many stories, plays, and poems.

This leads us to our discussion question...

This week's questions:

In this day and age, there are many topics/ideas/tropes/cliches that are recycled by authors both on and off of Wattpad throughout the writing community. Some authors say they write specific cliches/tropes because they sell.

Do you consider these people to be sell-outs? Or would you say they are writing smarter because they are almost guaranteeing sales/reads?

Do you prefer stories that are more original? Or do you enjoy reading a specific cliche/trope on repeat?

We also welcome any other discussion about Enid Blyton and her works.

If there is another author you would like to see a discussion on, please post your suggestion in the comments below for a chance to be featured in a future chapter!


The Enid Blyton Society

Enid Blyton.net

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