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(I made the book cover! Its up above, and my original name use to be ThePastaCrew but its Now TheLoveliestOfRandom! Anyways enjoy and hope you guys like this book!)

H/C- hair color
Y/N- your name
F/C- favorite color

Short filler:

Creation....Like ever other living thing she was created. Created for the purpose to erase man kinds bad deeds. She did not abide by the rules. She did not stand with the humans of her time. She escaped and she jumped through time with a never ending look of youth.

A strong girl she was but she did not care to fight for herself. She did not care for the feelings she had. She did not care for her own death. She only went through time with the thought of setting up everything as how it is supposed to happen. Nothing more, nothing less.

Her eyes, her pupils really were that of a clock. Time ticked with the passing day in her eyes and were a lovely almost pure gold but a dashing brown color. She went to her growing time and got contacts so the humans she met wouldn't be afraid of her or her eyes.

So they wouldn't scream Monster.

But she had once lost a contact in a timeline and she met a little boy. He kindly helped her find it but was stubborn as she was. Lets see what happened on that faithful day, where she made a few friends...

When Y/N was back in: 2005
(I did the math (°∀°)b )


I jumped in on the year 2005. I landed on my feet as the worm hole quickly closed behind me. I looked around at my surroundings and see a small neighborhood and two little boys playing in their yard. The clouds showed that it was gonna rain soon so i had to go get new contacts fast.

As i stood there for awhile i breathed in the air that so aquatintedly let a breeze go through my H/C hair. I sighed and started to head off on the sidewalk to any near by stores. I took out my contacts and let my clock looking pupils be shown.

I was gonna put away the contacts in their small container but one fell and i growled. I crouched down and started looking for it but had no use.

"Do you need help?" A little boy asked

I looked up to the boy who had another boy behind him who shyly peaked out to see me. They both saw my eyes and gasped like if it was cool.

"You have pretty eyes mam!" The boy peaking at me said quietly

I smiled at the two as this is what i loved to see in children. The boy who bravely stood in front of me had blue eyes and light black or brown hair. He had peach skin and very handsome blue ocean eyes.

The boy behind him had brown short hair that gave him little bangs, and beautiful glowing green eyes. I couldn't tell if his skin was light or not but im sure it was the same light peach as the boy in front.

"Thank you, your a very brave little boy! And yes i do need help, i dropped my contact while i was taking it off to put it away." I replied to the boys.

"Well we can help! Right liu!" The boys said proudly

"Y-yeah! We can help!" Liu said shyly

"Awe you both are so kind." I giggled

They both started looking around me for my contact and i looked around too.

"Found it!" The boy who's name I don't know yet said happily behind me.

I turned to him as he was pointing at it and i saw it.

"Thank you boys so much!" I replied glad to have found it again.

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