At age 7 years old.

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Two kids running around the playground, laughing, jumping at the seesaw, splashing sand at each other and then finally sitting on the swings getting a little exhausted.

"I wish we get to play like this forever Niki!" Little Jimin exclaimed at his playmate while they both swing. Hair flying out back and forth of her face, Niki smiled, "Me too, I wish we could come here everyday." But little Jimin noticed how she stopped smiling, "What's wrong Niki?" he asks, putting his feet on the ground stopping the movement of the swing.

"I heard mommy and daddy talked about us getting into middle school soon and then we will need to stop playing here to go to school," she frowned. "Mommy said school is fun too, she said if I study really hard I will achieve my dreams!" Jimin said trying to be positive for his friend.

"Dreams? What dreams?" Niki asked.

"Like what do you want to become when you grow up?" Jimin explained, "The other kids say they want to become a Teacher, Lawyer, Doctor--

"Oh! I want to become a Doctor " the little girl said cutting Jimin's words. "My mom is a Doctor, I want to become like her!" she give Jimin a big toothy smile with zero knowledge of how tough her med school experience will be in a few years.

The boy nods his head, his crescent eyes disappearing as he smile, "What about you?" the little girl asked her friend, "what do you want to become when you grow up?"

The little boy stopped smiling as he stood up from the swing, he stepped forward and made a quick twirl which he struggled keeping balance, and never the less he did a twirl with his little legs.

"I want to become a dancer." Jimin said.

Then it is a Doctor and a Dancer in the making.

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