
90 1 5

I know this is like one of the most popular and led up to ships of the fandom, but I've come to genuinely despise this ship for one reason;

It ruined the potential friendship Courtney and Gwen could've had.

Seriously, Gwuncan just absolutely pushed Courtney off the edge. She was already teetering in Action. World Tour's first half was like a redemption for her, but Duncan just came and ruined that.

Plus, after a while, Gwuncan lost its ~oh so scandalous~ edge. In All Stars (and one of the only things I like to consider canon from that season), Gwen showed actual disgust toward Duncan and felt bad for Courtney. She wanted to make things better and could tell Duncan was making things worse. I really liked Gwuncan when I saw it for the first time (and "Fight for the Gold" is one of the BEST songs of World Tour, Duncan has a godly voice, fight me) but now it's just one of those edgy ships everyone made "Everytime we Touch" edits to in 2012.

Ship rating: 3/10, only because once again Fighting for the Gold is so good I love that song

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