Dheather (DJ x Heather)

65 1 1

This ship is weirdly adorable to me. Fluffy soft boy DJ with mean to the bone Heather. "I love my mama" DJ with "diss my siblings on air" Heather. It's polar opposites in the best way! I'd love to see DJ embrace Heather's more soft and caring side, plus seeing DJ become protective of Heather. I really would like seeing this! They've interacted before and DJ definitely knows Heather, plus they've both watched each other grow over the seasons! They were in every season together (minus All Stars because Fresh are cowards) and I would love to see them grow close.

Ship rating: 7/10 because I like the idea of DJ being ace/gay and I like the idea of Heather with Alejandro/girls.

My shipping opinions!Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora