Heathney (Heather x Courtney)

85 2 0

Ok but I really like this idea. NEITHER of these two know how to function in the game with their crushes and it would just be hilarious to watch them fall for each other. Idk where it would be the best though, cause like TDI would be fun to watch them pit against each other as different teams but secretly have feelings for one another... Like Heather staying and watching the Bass eliminations from a distance and hoping Courtney doesn't get eliminated (and secretly hating Harold when she eventually did). TDA would probably also be interesting as Heather watches Ducney break down, but TDWT would definitely be something. Imagine Courtney cheating on Duncan with Heather! Or one of them having to keep it a secret with Alejandro (or god forbid Tyler). I like this ship a lot.

Outside of competition would also be interesting. I would love to see these two supporting each other as a couple,, braiding each others hair or both trying to be the big spoon during sleeping,, precious...

Ship rating: 10/10

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