Part 8

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In the morning, Dean woke up to loud knocking on the dormitory door, with Seamus' body tangled on top of his own. He carefully untangled Seamus, threw on a shirt and some shorts, and made his way to the door.

He opened it to a smirking Harry.

"So, are we going to talk about how the door was locked when I came back last night, and had to sleep on the floor in Ron's dorm. Also, that there's a - what I suspect- naked Seamus laying in your bed?" Harry said, stepping through the door.

"Well....we don't have to." Dean said, sitting back on his bed with Seamus. "How was the rest of the night, after we left?"

"We'll change the subject for now, but we're coming back to this later." Harry said, motioning to Dean and Seamus, still smirking. "Last night was very strange."

(The Night Before)

Harry was standing there, near the sofa, waiting for Ron to come back from getting a new drink.

"What's taking him so damn long?" He mumbled to himself.

Hermione had left already, after doing shots with Luna, Hannah, Pavarti, Lavender, and Cho. She was already drunk before the shots, and when people suggest she stop drinking, she of course didn't listen, because she was drunk. Luna ended up taking her back to the dorms, after she got alcohol poisoning.

Harry started walking towards the kitchen where Ron was 'getting a drink'. He turned the corner, peeking into the kitchen. Harry's mouth fell open.

Ron was there, but was being pressed up against the a counter by Blaise bloody Zabini. He stood silently, watching to see what was going on.

"You is drunk~! You not supposed to flirt~! You is supposed to hate 'e~!" Ron slurred. He was blushing a lot, and holding one of his arms with the other, in an attempt to keep Blaise at at least elbows length away.

"Please," Blaise asked, raising Ron's chin. "You kissed that other girl during 'Spin the Bottle', now I want a kiss." Blaise seemed to be holding his alcohol better, seeming not as drunk as Ron.

"I....wh-what?! No! I....I-I can't!" He said, pulling his chin down, out of Blaise's grasp.

"That's too bad, maybe next time." Blaise said, reaching behind Ron, grabbing his cup off the counter.

Ron stood there in complete and utter shock.

'Blaise fucking Zabini just walked up to me and wanted to kiss me! I turned him down, of course, and he was respectful about it?! What in the actually bloody fuck just happened! What if I would've let him?! What if we would've hooked up?!' Ron's head was spinning, he was surely drunk, and had way to many thoughts swirling through his head. He saw Harry approaching from the direction Blaise had just left.

(The Morning After, Now; with Dean, and Harry)

"Damn, your night was wild, mate." Dean said laying down on the bed. Remembering last night; the things he had done with Seamus.

Seamus groaned, and started tossing in turning in the bed, waking up, "Dean, What time is it?" He asked, groggy from sleep.

"Quarter past 11." He responded, running his hand through his boyfriend's hair.

"Can I wear some of your clothes?" Seamus asked, leaning into Dean's touch.

"'Course, always. Although you might not want to change right this second, Harry's here." Dean was smiling, a big goofy grin, down at his small boyfriend.

Drarry (Muggle AU)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora