Part 14

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Ron, Harry, Hermione, and Amelia left the party moments after Draco, Pansy, and Blaise.

No one spoke on the drive back, they all sat in complete and utter silence, reminiscing all of the things that had went wrong in the past hour.

Once in the car park, they got out one by one and went to their respective dorms.

Harry opened the door, and wasn't surprised to see Seamus was in Dean's bed with him. He wanted to smirk, to smile, feel happy for them, instead he flopped down in his bed, sighing into the pillows.

He took off his glasses, and threw an arm over his eyes. 'One of the worst nights of my life.' He thought.

There was shuffling from the other bed in the room. "Harry? Are you alright?" Seamus asks, and rubs his temples.

He seems to always drink too much at house parties....and end up in tangled with Dean, in his bed the next morning.

"I'm fine, just a little drunk, and tired." Seamus sits up to look at Harry.

"Look at the wall, I need to look for some clothes. So we can have a proper conversation." Seamus said. Harry quickly obliged, and turned, laid facing the wall.

After about a minute, Seamus hit the floor, hard. "Ow! Son of a bitch!" He cursed.

Dean tossed and turned in the bed, sitting up. "Seamus, are you alright? What's going on?"

"I'm fine, I just fell putting clothes on." Seamus said, turning on the bedside lamp.

Dean covered his mouth, trying to contain his laughter.

Seamus glared at him. "If you wanna be like that, I'll sleep with Harry in his bed." Seamus huffed, adorably.

Dean burst out laughing. "Fine then, sleep with Harry." He said, giggling.

"Ok, ok fine, I don't actually want to sleep with Harry." Seamus whined laying back down with Dean, who cuddled him, warmly.

Harry smiled at his 2 dating friends, their relationship was adorably cheesy. It had been something Harry had always wanted during secondary school. Even so now, it wouldn't've been a problem, seeing as the night he just had.

A tear rolled down Harry's cheek. "Are you alright, Harry?" Dean asked.

"No." He said, simply, and wiped his face.

"What happened at the party? What's wrong?" He said, sitting up now.

"I want a hug." He coughed in attempt to hide his cries.

"Oh, Harry. Come here." He gets out of his bed, running into the hug from both Seamus, and Dean.

Harry let out a sob.

"I'm going to my parents' graves this weekend." Harry said, between sobs.

Seamus rubs his back.

"And then I'm going to see Remus, and Sirius." Harry finished.

Then, threw up on Dean.


Hermione woke up to knocking on her dorm door.

"Go away, now." She demanded, opening the door to Amelia.

"Come on, 'Mione, we can talk about this, about us." A tear ran her cheek.

Hermione quickly put her hand up, wiping it away. She grabbed Amelia's neck, and brought her head down to her shoulder. "I never want to hurt you. I'm sorry." She whispered.


Pansy and Blaise went back to Draco's flat with him.

No one was that tired, or drunk, so they put on a movie, and ate the chocolates Narcissa had sent Draco.

Pansy fell asleep cuddled up in the armchair about half way through.

"She's gonna be ok, y'know." Draco said, matter-of-factly, nudging Blaise.

"I know, it's just.....this isn't the first time this has happened. And last time things ended up a lot worse." Blaise replied, turning towards Draco.

Draco brought his knees to his chest, turning towards Blaise, slightly startled.

"What happened last time?" Draco's voice trembled slightly as he asked.

"She was rejected, and asked me to drink with her, of course I did. She got like completely shit-faced, and at the end of the night," Blaise cleared his throat. "She kept telling me to shag her, screaming that I was a bad friend cause I wouldn't fuck her.-"

"Y-you didn't though....did you?" Draco looked terrified.

"Of course not! I'm not some creep who takes advantage of drunk people. The fuck, no. What did up happening though was; I took her back to her house, and she took her shirt off, trying to push herself on me. I left immediately. In the morning, I went over to see how she was doing and...." He cleared his throat again. "She was in bed with some older looking guy. -We later found out he was a sex offender, and 38.- I yelled at him telling him I was her boyfriend and pushed him out. Pansy had sex- was raped, by a guy she didn't know simply because the girl she liked rejected her." He frowned, looking over to see Draco's reaction.

Draco looked like he was about to throw up. He felt like it too. But instead he went over to the armchair Pansy was sitting in, and said he was sorry.

He kept on apologising for something he knew wasn't his fault. He didn't even know Pansy and Blaise when that had happened but still felt so bad.

So, so bad.

Drarry (Muggle AU)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant