Part 33

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"Draco Lucius Malfoy!" Ron heard Pansy shout from in the bathroom. He quickly left and went into the room to see what was going on.

He saw Pansy and Hermione getting up from Hermione's bed, rushing over to Draco.

"What the bloody hell is your problem?!" Hermione added, yelling as well.

"What's going on?" Ron finally spoke up.

"Malfoy is a ginormous arsehole without a reason, that's what!" Hermione answered.

Ron finally noticed Harry wasn't in the room anymore and immediately knew what was going on.

"What did you?!" Ron asked, his voice raised, trying to keep himself from crying.

Draco looked down at Ron and rolled his eyes. "I didn't even do anything. He started yelling, and screaming saying I hated him for no reason and other quite rude if anyone's a 'ginormous arsehole' it's him."

But truly, Draco knew he himself was. He knew he had given Harry the impression that he hated him, and instead of denying it and being nice, he went along with it, not giving Harry any of the answers he was asking for. This was all on him, he really was a ginormous arsehole, but there was no way he was going to admit to it, or apologise for it. No.

"You liar!" Ron screamed, swinging his closed fist at Draco, but missing as Hermione and Pansy restrained him.

He pushed their hands off. "No! All you lot- Blaise, Draco, Pansy- do is ruin everything!" Ron yelled, backing away from everyone else in the room.

"I liked Hermione, but no, she had to be a lesbian! First it was Amelia, and knew they wouldn't last long so I didn't mind! But no, then you came along, making it worse!" This was directed at Pansy.

"Then it was Blaise! He kept trying to push his feelings onto me, and at first it was weird and gross, but I got used to it! I'm fine with it, I fancy him now, but no! Now he wants Neville just because I was a little conflicted and confused! And now it's him!"

He points to Draco. "All he wants to do is fuck up my best mates life! Which is already good and well-ly fucked up enough in case you didn't know!"

No one wanted to speak, the room was dead silent everyone staring at Ron in disbelief. Especially not Ron,  why the bloody hell had he let any of that slip?! Shit, no doubt about it all of his friends are going to be upset.

Then the door to Hermione's tension filled dorm got opened by the small redheaded girl they knew, Ginny.

"What going on?" She asked, her face confused, as she took in all of their terrified, sad, angry, confused faces.

"I was just leaving, that's all." Ron said through gritted teeth as he walked over to the door and picked up his school bag.

"Ron, no....w-we can talk about this....I-I'm sure there's something we can do to t-try and fix this." Hermione said, grabbing his wrist.

"Leave me alone, 'Mione! Not now. You can't always be the perfect little problem solver, y'know." Ron said, his tone mocking and angry.

Hermione gave him an offened look, but didn't push it. She let him go, watching as the door closed, and she turned back to the other 3 in the room.

"So, are you lot going to tell me what's going on and what just happened..or....?" Ginny asked.


Ron marched down the halls, back to his and that backstabbing little-, Neville's dorm. He rounded the corner, and got his key out of his bag.

Drarry (Muggle AU)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora