Part 44

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"See, this is why you're perfect." Pansy mumbled in Hermione's ear as she kissed all over her neck and face. "We're not being ridiculous, they're just being stubborn and childish. You agree we're really honestly not asking for that much."

"I know, I know. We just have to give them time. It's obvious they fancy each other- I'd say they're proper in love- they just have so much tension between them. And I believe them shagging was a step in the right direction, getting out some of that built up frustration. If that makes sense? All I know is that they'll end up figuring it out, one way or the other." Hermione answered back, kissing Pansy on the cheek. "Plus, Harry won't stop obsessing over it, he constantly brings it up, whenever he can think of any miniscule little way Draco barely even relates to the topic."

"That's the best news I've heard all week. Draco won't stop being paranoid about it, pretending, saying Harry was horrible in bed, which I completely doubt by the way, because everytime Harry walks anywhere near us Draco's eyes almost immediately travel down to stare at his arse as he goes." Pansy said giddily, with a laugh. "And about..Blaise and Ron..?" She hesitated before asking.

Hermione groaned. "I don't even want to think about it. I don't mean to insult your friends, but Blaise a big bloody idiot." She rubbed her hands over her face, laying back onto the bed. "He had a thing for Ron before Ron even thought of that as a possibility, and now suddenly he doesn't want him, it's so ridiculously idiotic. And to makes things worse all they ever do is try to get the other jealous."

"I know! Blaise shagging Neville, and then Ron sleeping with Gregory- did they even have sex..or he literally just slept in the same bed- it makes me want to literally. tear. my. hair. out." Pansy finished for her.

"Me too. And to answer your question, Ron says the only person he's ever slept with is Lavender- which is a lie, he drunkenly slept with Cedric a while back-, so I'm honestly so unsure he and Gregory actually 'went all the way', but the possibility's always still out there. Who knows- except Ron and Gregory of course- ?" Hermione chuckled, snuggling up into Pansy's side.

"That's fine, 'cause there's someone, who's in this room at this exact moment, that I'm absolutely sure isn't a virgin." Pansy boasted, and pecked her cheek quickly, making her blush. "Even if I wasn't the one to take it, I know I did the best job, 'pleasing her'." Pansy smirked, wiggling her eyebrows.

"O-oh god, don't phrase it like that!" Hermione squeaked, getting on top of Pansy. "I know you did, but there's nothing special to be bragging about."

"'Course there is. I shagged the most beautiful girl on campus, if not the whole city, if not the whole country, if not the whole world." Pansy said cheekily.

Hermione just blushed and kissed Pansy again.

Pansy was perfect, and Hermione was in love with her. And Pansy thought the exact same about her. They couldn't be happier together.


Neville decided to sleep what Pansy had said for the next 2 days. Quite literally sleep on it, he didn't leave his bed for 2 days. He didn't go to his classes, and he had only eaten once.

Ron had come back later in the day after Draco and Pansy had left. He didn't initiate a conversation, say sorry, anything. And it pissed Neville off,  that he could be so arrogant, like he hadn't done anything wrong, just because he liked Blaise first? It was preposterous in Neville's eyes.

Now, he was in front of the bathroom mirror looking at himself, thinking of the desicion he was about to make. It was the right thing to do, it was for the better, Neville kept telling himself.

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