Dark hearts: Demon dean x Rowena [!⚠smut⚠!]

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Rowena sat on the bar stool. She'd just put a spell on the three men around her. Taking a drink she waited patently,  Symbols all over her body painted on with her blood.

Dean Winchester had been causing a stir in hell. He had also been getting to close to her son. He was becoming weak. Tonight though, she would finish it all. Wipe Dean off the map. Rowena's lips curved into a smile as Dean came into sight.

"Sammy I'll be fine I'm just going to get a drink I promise I'll meet you there, bye!" Dean said hanging up his cell phone, he'd just been through a hard week and now starting an even worse one.

this particular case was really riding on dean Lately and to top it off he had to deal with the nagging of his brother Sam and  Crowley who were constantly trying to tell him what's right from wrong. Crowley mostly trying to get Dean to do wrong and also  a castiel who was now missing or ignoring him for some reason.

All dean wanted right now was a stiff drink and maybe some pie or a burger some alone/relax time which he Barely got between hunts that almost kill him and his awkward family situation.
He had a litte time to himself now so he orders a whole cherry pie, loaded chilli cheese fries , and a Texas blue burger with a glass of jim beam.

The amout of food might have been a little excessive but with all this running around and kicking the shit out of random monsters, demons ,and archangels who wouldn't be hungry .

Dean sat down at the from counter closest to the door just in case something was to turn sour ,and waited for his order while taking a swig of his bourbon and rubbing his temples ,not noticing Rowena sitting just a few chairs away .

Rowena was glad it seemed no one was noticing her. The three men who were under her spell all seemed to vibrate with rage as they sat in the bar. Rowena sipped her cocktail and she caught sight of Dean. Well he did seem troubled Rowena on the other hand was glad that the bar wasn't too full.

Rowena pulled the cloak around her a little more to keep the symbols painted in blood out of sight. Her cat like green eyes narrowed and studied the older Winchester. She'd been hearing stories about him. Though she was curious to find out if she could bring something to the board it seemed more efficient to just wipe him out, though as she looked at him there was a passing thought to siding with him.          

If it was true that he was on the same
side he could be a valuable ally. Rowena leaned back in her seat slightly and she let this play out. The men beside her all just waiting for the command to attack him. Rowena tilted her head curiously as she noticed him massaging his temples, a soft smile upon her lips as she thought about relieving that tension. As of tonight dean would no longer be a problem.

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Hello lovley's ! I wanted to know if you like this story so far , if so please tell your friends ! And I'll ad another chapter soon

Dont worry Ill make the next chapters longer

Keep it crash y'all


Dark hearts: Demon dean x Rowena [!⚠smut⚠!]Where stories live. Discover now