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The throbbing in deans head got worse and that voice in his head got louder he tried to fight it but he decided since no one was really around he wouldn't mind letting loose.

Closing his eyes they were that beautiful candy apple green but upon opening they were pitch black  and a long toothy smirk grew on his face showcasing the 4 upper and lower  elongated canines, dean then turned around  and began to  slink into the vast majority of people in the crowds by the dance hall.

Dean knew he was almost entirely Likly to take down some easy prey here and that's when he saw her.

a little false blond in the corner ,she was acting very giddy and drunk as she flirted , And grinded up against a few guys In that little black number she wore that stuck to her skin so tightly it left almost nothing to the imagination.

This girls makup was heavily applied and caked on thickly to her face, dean let out a small chuckle imagining sammy running from her since she resembled a clown so much.

Basic bar slut with the habit of getting drunk , should be easy enough
she would be a perfect target ,
dean thought to himself .

Rowena smiled seeing him. She nodded sending the men towards Dean. She would see how the demon handled three supercharged men.

Rowena wasn't stupid. She knew he had to be the last thing she saw or he would kill her first unless she had something to offer him.

The three men approached Dean and smirked at him. Their eyes were dark and hollow. Bodies vibrating with rage. They attacked Dean which sent people running from the bar.

Rowena sat at the bar sipping her drink and watching this play out. She was ready to wipe Dean out. She just needed him a little worn out. But as she watched him fight a part of her began to think quite unsavoury thoughts. There seemed this darker side to Dean that had Rowena flustered, The hunger in his eyes, the way he moves, fought. Rowena tilted her head and watched curious.

Dean smiled not only would he get his target but he would have a bit of fun killing these puppets. He saw they're eyes empty and hollow there was no soul left in them but he would still have fun draining the life out of them.

At first Dean let himself  get pushed and hit but then one good hit to his jaw made his lip bleed and that's when he lost it letting his demon rage out ripping and pulling these people apart  dismembering and reconfiguring they're bodies leaving a bloody mess everywhere even doing the same to some innocent people who got in his way.

by the time dean was done almost the whole room was filled with Internal Organs blood and unidentifiable faces or what was left of them anyway and all that time his face was emotionless until he was completely done and standing in the middle of the room a red light cast on his form

Rowena stood and she tilted her head with a slight smile.

"Someone's tougher than he looks."

Though she was irritated that the men had failed in weakening him a little she was rather excited too. The power in the room. His rage. She licked her lip slightly as she pulled the cloak from her body revealing the black dress that hugged her body and where her skin peeked out there was blood and symbols.

She would obliterate him with an old ancient spell. Part of her wanted to see what this demon would do to her if he would kill her or if he would keep her alive. Rowena drew the sleeves of her dress up her arms slightly to reveal more milky, creamy skin. As she wag to chant the purple lights shone out of the symbols and began to radiate around her.

The red head's green cat like eyes focused on Dean. Her  heart racing and breasts rising and falling heavily as she breathed heavily though out of fear or anticipation was unclear.

Dark hearts: Demon dean x Rowena [!⚠smut⚠!]Where stories live. Discover now