the meeting and also they read a fanfiction

694 11 16

(oz protagonist)

i was walking down the street, casually, in fucking alaska during the winter wearing short sleeves and shorts. i am immune to cold. i kept getting weird looks but i ignored them because im immune to weird looks uwu. suddenly i look to my side because my shoulder was tapped. :o!! its the cwick! awh, i didnt know he would be here tooooo!

'what the fuck are you wearing you piece of uncooked meatloaf' he asked sexily or maybe thats his voise idk.

'tHE CWICK?' i excwaim cutely. 'uwu daddy?'

he seems to recognize my voice and jumps back. 'oh- i didnt know it was you, ozzy wozzy. what are you wearing tho?'

i lick my hand cutely. 'just a green shirt and shorts. why?'

'dude wtf did you just do'

'i wicked my own hand,' i mew innocently.

now ive scawed him. good. he runs off, probably to whatever hotel hes at. oh, wook at that! he just entered the same hotew im staying at! i fowwow him inside.

he glances back. 'what the fuck???????????????????' he asks as i follow him into his room.

uwu. he noticed me! 'yes, daddy, id wike you to fuck me too!'

he tells me to get out. his loss. i go into my own room which happened to be right next to his room separeated by a vewy thin wall. i log onto discord probably or whatever we use to message each other and slide into his dms. 'dude im so sorry'

he responds quickly, i guess he had the same idea as me. 'dw its fine. very quirky of you i must say  (◕▿◕✿)'

'what the fuck is that emoji?' i ask.


i ignore it. 'so how weird is it that were in the same place at the same time?'

'you followed me into my room dude.'

'so how weird is it that were in the same place at the same time?'

he hesitates. he doesnt know. good, ive confoosed him! :D

'it doesnt matter. why dont we make a cringy video of us recording a-a-a-noahgettheboat video?'

'nah, lets make a video about reading this fanfiction i found.' i send him a fanfiction of the click x oz media.



'that's the most cursed thing i've ever seen. let's do it.'

yay! i successully cursedify his life even more. we voice call, and we make this really great video togther that you really need to watch right here have the link (◕▿◕✿) w .com/watch ?v=zc2R w57 6dI M ((ok i gave you two free advertising make a part two using my fanfiction now)) (◕ ω ◕✿)

after its uploaded which took five seconds to upload and edit because i wish it did god damn editing takes forever i walk through his door into his room.

'how the fuck did you just-' he cuts himself off.

'im magic, daddy!'

the sexual tension rises. i can taste the air growing thick. i voice what hes thinking. 'people actually ship us, jason. they want us to date and have sex. what the fuck?' the creator doesnt know either of their real names so every time it needs to be used she will use a random name.

haha i left you on a cliffhanger! see im good writer write daddy click? uwu please fuck me

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