cafe time

250 6 13

(oz protagonist)

we hop into my bright green ferrari and nyoom to a cafe. its like -83546 degrees out annoyingly bc were in alaska but thats fine my ferrari is heated. 

we go to a cafe called 'gay cafe' which is adequately named. i know its probably supposed to mean 'happy cafe' but this is 2020 gay no longer means happy.

click stares at me as i park. 'what? do you not like rAAAAAAAAAInbows?'

he looks away, not saying anything.i park the bright green ferrari and head inside.

well shit now i know why he was looking at me weird. it looks like were on a date, there are at least 3 gay/lesbian couples. whatever, thats fine, i dont care, were here now if we turn back it looks homophobic. 

we stand in line and pick silently what we want from the menu. i pick a powdered jelly donut bc i fuccin love those. i nudge him and whisper, 'i got the bill.' he looks at me, mildly embarrsed but doesnt call more attention to it by saying something.

we order, he chose a sugar sprinkled neko faced brownie which was pretty ironic and i wanted to laugh but i didnt. i pull out a 10000 dollar bill and hand it to the cashier. 'keep the change,' i say, shuffling to a table with our f00d.

as we sit down, click knowledgably doesnt say anything about my infinte amount of cash. he knows im an immortal god by now, surely. or something similar. meh whatever. 

'so hows ur youtube channel going?' he asks.

before i can answer, someone runs up to our table and is like 'tHE CLICK??????????????????????????????"

i feel like i recognize his voice, but before i say anything click says 'one tOEPIC?'

yup, knew it. they rapidly engage in conversation about like 'wtf i didnt know u were in alaska' or whatever. im jelous but i dont show it. i just pick at my powdered jelly doughnut in silence.

a/n: hahahahahahahahahahahahahahah cliffhanged once again! you fools have fallen to my mightiness uwu!

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