Chapter 3

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First Day At UA.

At 6AM your alarm went off. It was the first day of UA. You lived far off into the mountains, It was a safe place to train and if you somehow turn into a great ape there is plenty of time to alert a hero.

You ate a huge breakfast before you said to your master "Bye Nail! See you later!" too which he replied "Stay safe kid and don't use kaioken!".

(Bit of backstory on how you learned the kaioken)
The technique in question was one from ages ago. One of Nail's ancestors was a great hero of the world and saved it from many tragedies. This caught the eye of a certain being that soon after the hero died he trained him. This being was North Kai. The hero was fortunate to be allowed one day back on Earth, a day that he made the most of by teaching his disciple the kaioken technique. Who passed it down all the way to you.

You smiled and jogged down the mountain. Nail smiled as it reminded him of how Josuke (if you forgot it was the man who found you) looked when he left too UA. The smile and posture where identical. He smiled to himself before closing the door and going back to his magazines.


You reached your class 10 minutes early. It would of been there a lot earlier if you hadn't stopped for a 'light' snack that took 20 minutes.

You walked into class and immediately felt many eyes lock onto yours as your tail shot up.

(I think I mentioned this before but they cut off your access to the Oozaru by using a Ki barrier instead of just cutting of the tailI like the tails of saiyans and needed an excuse to keep it)

You quickly identified who. The first person was the uptight nerd from the exam, the second was a guy who looked like he was about too throw the largest temper tantrum, a girl with pink skin and horns, and the girl you saved.

The uptight nerd walked up too you and began apologizing for some reason. You just said thanks and walked to an open seat. But not before a loud voice was heard throughout the room.

"YOU! HOW DID YOU DO BETTER THEN ME ON THE EXAM!" It was mr temper tantrum.

You smirked and said "It's because I bribed the teachers."

Katsuki then said "Knew you couldn't beat me legitimately!"

You then yelled back "You actual idiot! It's called sarcasm! I beat you because I worked my ass off! If you want to be a hero you need to start acting like one! Jesus Christ your hero name is probably something villainy like king explosion murderer!"

Katsuki went through various emotions during your rant in very rapid succession. First it was anger, then shock of you guessing his hero name, then finally he just started laughing.

He turned to you "I like you. You actually have a spine and some spunk unlike these bozo's. My name is Katsuki Bakugo." He said with a smirk and an extended hand

The class was in shock at Katsuki's behaviour. You returned the handshake and said "Thanks. You look like quite the character too. You seem like an interesting person to be around and I'd like to get too know you better but.." you squeezed his hand harder "Don't think I'll take it easy on you when it comes to a fight."

Katsuki grinned and squeezed harder in return "Same here"

After the handshake ended you went to your seat. You sat down and when you looked up you saw 2 faces very close too yours. One was Mina and the other  Tsuyu (The girl you saved).

Strength Beyond Limits. ( Male Saiyan Reader x BNHA )Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora