Chapter 1.

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zephyria POV:

As one may wish and several don't- I for one only wanted to obtain something that I knew deep down I would never want.

You look me now, yes, see my ghastly appearance. I adore my so-called life,

but alas as I cruised the world of night. I was in no means prepared for this in the slightest.

As if a seer had chosen me as I was snatched underneath the cover of darkness.

Only to come in contact with a man who was no man,

but quite effeminate as he acted out his

carnal desires , and threatened if I caterwaul- I would indeed see much worse than the life of a courtesan.

He blindfolded me as he threw me onto his shoulders and carried me off somewhere- he slapped and felt my ass many times as I let out a mere whimper.

I could sense him grinning as I heard him lift something up- sounded like a storage area to be exact. Here I am,

a nineteen year old college student who's going to be deterrent of a man's nefarious and carnal desires.

After what seemed like eternity but was only minutes as I stared face to face with my captor as he slowly caressed my skin.

I made no movement nor sound as he continued.

He rest assured me that everything was going to be okay and stated that it would not be platitudinous as everything with be jovial, hempy, and convivial.

I just nodded my nodded my head and just did nothing to anger him. I do not know why,

but he told me that his name was Aaron.

I nodded my head as he placed his hands upon my cheek and bestowed several kisses on my cheek. He smiled at me as he reiterate that I was rather radiant, graceful, and most exquisite indeed as he slowly took off my shirt.

He just stared at my chest and then me as he asked me to down as I did as I was told- he later wrapped me in his arms as he fell asleep.

For some peculiar reason as I lied in bed with a man that kidnap me- I slowly drifted off to sleep, which was rather peaceful.

The next day Aaron woke up while I still asleep, I smelled something rather pleasant as I then heard the the television turn on.
He was watching the news it sounded like as one of the stories was about a missing nineteen year old college student who has been missing since yesterday.
There was a female speaking- it was Bo, my sister. She was sniveling and everything asking that I please return home,

Aaron kept me captive for at least two years, I knew that he was entirely smitten with me as he was very amorous towards me. He treated me like a wife as he always treasured me like an empress.
He left to go mail the letter and shortly after returned with a hungry appetite as I prepared tiffin for him. He smiled and grabbed me by the waist and he placed kisses upon my shoulder.
I fell asleep after I finished eating,
and he woke me up saying that he’ll return shortly. Days went by and I failed to hear from him,
I did something I haven’t done in two year- and that was leave the building. It was night time,
as I walked through the alley way, I saw a man who looked like Aaron- he was being held captive.
He seemed as if he was in immense pain.
I tried to do something, but sooner then I was in trouble myself.
A man held my mouth as I screamed for Aaron- he tried to get up, but soon bereavement would soon fall upon him,
and I would later join him.
I was brought inside and tortured sexually by two men as I cried like never before. Within a blink of an eye,
I saw a shadow lurk upon the men as they ceased in all movement before they even had a chance.
But before they departed they made sure to take me with them as one of them stabbed several times while he was being attacked himself.
Finally, he went numb as I expectorating blood from my mouth.
I slowly drifted off into the abyss until someone held me up and did the unthinkable.

and that if I was being held hostage- to please let me go unharmed. I stayed asleep until he turned it,
but I was on every news station. Typically, kidnappers, would freak out or something,
he remained calm as I heard footsteps walking towards the bed and sat down as he slithered his hands inside my bra and played with my breasts.
Aaron, who seemed to be in his early thirties, who was remarkable rugged handsome, with piercing blue eyes and black hair.
He asked if I had slept well, and I told him I did,
which I was not lying at all. He smiled as he slid off my pants and felt my legs and everything as I trembled since I was ticklish and everything.
He said that he would never hurt me as he unhooked my bra and asked me to remove his clothing.
I did as I was asked to.
He lied me down flat on my back as he position himself in front of me- we embraced in coitus, which felt sensational.
He could tell that I was enjoying every last bit of it to the last detail.
He asked me my age- I told him nineteen.
Deep, passionate, carnal coitus and I enjoyed every bit as it remain fresh as it lingered on my body.
I asked him would he keep me forever and he said he did not want to go to jail.
I told him how my sister will not stop until we’re in each other’s arms.
I said at least let me write to her,
which he agreed to.

I heard a faint voice as I felt cold hands on my skin. They lifting me up, a dying woman who as to yet be reunited with my beloved sister Bo,
who was barely depressed and digressed in all hopes of finding me alive. Aaron, is dead.
He bent over and cut into my skin as he licked the blood from my neck and shoulder.
He was draining as I would soon perish along with my blood.
He cut himself as he accumulated a great deal of blood as he forced my mouth open and forced the velvety delicacy down my throat.
I choked a bit, but somehow it went through as I winced in pain.
Soon everything was mute as I passed out.

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