Chapter 2.

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My Chapter guyssssssssss XD hope you like it heheh:3

Bo's POV:

 I was walking down a dark alley, I hear your not spousse to walk down here late at night because of the 'Dark Man'. they come here light at night to feed on little girls such as myself but i don't care as long as i get my food i'm good. Then it hit me, no it actually hit me in the back and made me fall on my knees, I felt something burning from my back i go and touch it and see, blood? 0.0 Awh shit, then it was black.


hours went by and i was laying down on a couch, I felt something griping down my neck, i go to touch it. blood, its all over my hands. Is this even passable??? then i see him. the 'Dark Man'.

" Morning Princess" He smirked.

"Morning?" I asked.

" Yeah you were out for 2 days, I'm surprised it even worked on you" he chuckled. what is he talking about?

" you turned into a vampire" he said. how did he know what i was saying? " I can read my minds" he said coming closer to me.

" what can i do? and what will you do to me?" I asked.

" don't worry babe, you're mine now, and you need to find that yourself" He said.

" what do you mean 'I'm yours' " I asked.

" God child you ask a lot of questions" he said. " then answer them!" I demand.

" I will when i'm ready and what you need to know is you have to stay here that's all you need to worry about". he said

I don't have time to worry about bullshit....

" I would'nt call it bullshit Hun" he chuckled. I rolled my eyes and stay sitting on the couch. that boy is gonna drive me up the wall.-,-.

" say how old are you and whats your name?" I asked. " My name is Mason and I'm 19, what about you?" he asked.

" Bo, and 15" I said.

" ohh you're young, i'm gonna have fun with this one" he smirked. Awh shit.

I watched as he walked away but then stop. " your rooms beside mine Babe" he smirked again. I rolled my eyes. " And don't try and run away, unless you want your punishment" he smirked at the last part. oh for the love of god just leave already! " oh i wont"  i glared at him and he walked away.

I just know this isn't gonna be a normal life for me anymore...

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