Chapter 5: California

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🔹🔸Paige's pov🔸🔹
I'm in Sacramento, California. We pull up to the house I'll be staying in, its huge like three floors. I'll have my own room and bathroom.
I'm let out of the car and my stuff is carried to the door. I slowly approach and walk inside. I'm greeted by an overly happy woman with long blonde curls and red lips. "Hello darling!" She screeches and hugs me. "I'm Mrs.Ramirez I'm the mother figure of the household" she says. I smile lightly as she is really nice. "Hi can you show me my room please?" I say. "Yes this way"she points to the stairs. We walk up the stairs to see another set if spiral stairs she pointed towards them. "Your room is the second door and the first is your bathroom" she said smiling and carting two if my bags into my room the she left. "Dinner in about an hour!" She yelled to me. I put my stuff into my room and went to walk out of the door. A tall easy of the eyes boy stopped me. "Sorry I was just looking for my best friends new sister." He says. "I'm Luke" he says. Then he backs up a little. "Hey I'm Paige" I say. Then walk halfway down the stairs. I'm wearing a plaid sweater with acid wash skinnies and my vans. I wave to him to follow me."okay I love following pretty girls" he says following me down the stairway. So now I've met my Cheyenne (mother) and I've met luke my "brothers" bestfriend. I go down the other stairs then run into a little girl, she has red hair and freckles dotting her face. "Hey aren't you Mary?" I say. She nods and hugs me. "I've been waiting for a big sister forever!" She says screaming. Shes so cute I already love her. She lets go of me and runs upstairs and I walk into the kitchen. Luke is still with me and he is staring me down. "This here is Paige " says Luke putting his arm around me. I wiggle out of his grip and fist bump my new brother. I'm excited to have siblings because I was an only child at home my mom died before she could have more kids. "Hey I'm Adam" he says as we're exploding our fist bump into fireworks. "And I'm Paige" I say back. Luke sits at the table with Adam. Mary runs into the kitchen and sits down in her chair. I sit next to Mary. About a minute later Cheyenne and Frank(dad) come set the good in front of us. The boys chow down as me and Mary slowly eat. Cheyenne and Frank chatter about work and I sit silently waiting for dinner to be over.

✌️The little redhead in honor of Justine xxxheartovermindxxx Follow her and read her books!! ✌️

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