Three: New Adventure

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Heaven seems to be busier than usual, as Angels are walking by quickly and chatting to each other more frequently. I know it's because people are panicking about what happened to Michael. We know he didn't become a Fallen, but we know he's not here anymore and that's unusual. Father won't see anyone or even tell anyone what has happened to him. Everyone is on edge, and I think Raphael is taking it harder than the rest of us. Raphael doesn't like to admit it, but I know he doesn't like the fact that he doesn't know what has happened to Michael. I don't either. It's kind of strange knowing that he isn't here anymore, and nobody knows if he's on a mission or if he's in trouble. I wish we knew. I wish father would tell us, but he's not letting anyone in his office. It makes me wonder if Michael really did get in trouble, and our father is just disappointed. I mean Michael would be the second Angel he would have to toss aside recently. I hope that it's just a mission he's on, but who knows. It's very unusual for Michael to get in trouble. I know he's always trying to make sure he's doing the right thing and to make sure he's making father proud. Michael became more distant after everything that has happened to our brothers Alastor and Lucifer. Raphael, on the other hand, became colder to everyone. I guess, to be honest, I even became quieter than my usual self, but I've always been the quiet one. I wish my brother was here again.

"Excuse me, mister angel."

I turn to notice Miss Blakes parents. I've never met them personally, but everyone knows in Heaven that their daughter is associated with Demons. We know that their daughter Cordelia is the soulmate of Sirius, the Demon Prince. Soulmates are rare gems and don't happen too often anymore. I'm assuming it's because Lucifer had fallen and became the ruler of Hell all those years ago. I don't know why soulmates are starting to become a thing again. I know there's only one soulmate that transpired, but who to say they will be more that will appear. Father can order the Fates to do anything, but the question still stands. Will he actually do something like that?

"Excuse me, have you seen the Angel Michael?" Mrs. Blake asks.

"Archangel Michael isn't here at the moment." I state plainly.

"Can you give him a message then? You're a messenger Angel aren't you?" Mr. Blake questions me.

"I am. Archangel Gabriel, messenger and guardian of truth." I tell them.

"Then please give Michael a message for us, it involves the truth. We've been keeping a lie, we've sinned and need to tell Michael about it." Mrs. Blake tells me while putting her head down.

"Sinned? Lied? What about may I ask?" I ask them suspiciously.

I am the Archangel of divine truth as well, so it is my right to know this. If they sinned then it couldn't have been that bad if they still made it into Heaven. It still makes me wonder why they want to tell it to Michael instead of confessing it to me. I'm the one who every spirit goes to when they have a confession to make. I stare at these two for a moment and try to figure out what sin they could've committed, and why they would want to tell it to my brother. Michael doesn't usually care about what sins spirits commit. He's the Archangel of protection and he's the general of war against evil forces. We haven't had a war in over a thousand years, so Michael has been cooped up in Heaven for a very long time. I guess maybe that's why father sent him away, maybe he's letting him have a vacation? Do Angels even get vacations?

"Well we didn't really lie, but we kept a secret. A secret we should've told our daughter Cordelia a long time ago." Mr. Blake tells me sighing.

"What secret?" I ask crossing my arms.

Whatever it is, we should already know right? We know about every spirit's life when they were alive. It's so we know who is worthy to be in Heaven, and who belongs in the underground. It's something that started after Lucifer fell, and father wanted to make sure he only has good people come here. The once with purest of hearts become Angels. There aren't a lot of humans who have purest of hearts anymore, they are pretty rare now. The last purest of heart that became an Angel was Zakary, but he became a Fallen so what does that mean?

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