Five: Chamos

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I appear in complete darkness, and I didn't feel alone. I look around and noticed a shadowy figure in the distance. I first thought that maybe it's their friend Cristobal, but this feeling I'm getting is telling me that it's not him. I squint my eyes at the shadowy figure and felt the space around me suddenly get colder and colder. I wrap my arms around me trying to stay warm, but it almost felt like this mind is dying. My eyes widen as I look over at the shadowy figure who is suddenly laughing. I took a step closer to the shadowy figure and I can feel his power, which has no ounce of good in it.

"Who are you? Where are there friend Cristobal?" I ask urgently.

"He's weak, but won't be able to help you now."

"Who are you?" I ask getting impatient.

"I'm Chamos, his demon and I'm going to finally have full control thanks to that human!" Chamos exclaims.

"No! If you take full control then that means-" I try to say, "It means the human dies, but why would I care?" Chamos asks bitterly.

"I get that you want to be free and want full control but please! Cordelia is my friend, and I do not wish to see her dead." I say almost in a pleading manner.

"Then I guess she shouldn't have lost control now shouldn't she?" Chamos asks bitterly.

I watch as he slowly disappears, and I look around as I try to figure out what to do now. I need to do something and quick. Chamos is going to take full control and let Cordelia die. What can I do? I then sat down and try to concentrate on my magic, and try to sense Cristobal. I need to find him, and the only way is by contacting him through mind link. I close my eyes trying to only think about Cristobal and about what his personality is like. I don't know much about him, but what I heard about him I can certainly go by what I know. I concentrate on Cristobal, and try to find him somewhere in Cordelia's mind. It's kind of hard as I don't really know him and the fact that her mind is dying.

"Cristobal? Cristobal can you hear me?" I ask through mind link.

I didn't hear an answer so I tried to push my magic further, as I tried to concentrate more. It kept getting colder and colder to the point where I'm freezing and I'm even starting to feel weak being here. I can't give up though as I tried again and again to contact Cristobal. I know he's here, Chamos even said he was just very weak. I continue to try to communicate with him, but it's straining on me and my magic. I use more of my strength to try and find him, and manage to find a silver of life. I couldn't tell if it was Cristobal or Cordelia's, but I head towards it as fast as I could. It was so weak, that I can barley feel them but I can still feel them.

"Cristobal? Cristobal is that you?" I ask again through mind link.

"-Wh-whose there?" A very weak voice replies.

"I'm Brigid. A new friend of your friends, they are worried about you." I tell him as I take a few steps closer to the weak figure.

"-Is-Is Cor-Cordelia alright?" He asks very weakly.

"She's very worried and upset about you, but she's been unconscious for awhile now." I reply to him.

"I-I was afraid of th-this." He answers weakly.

"Afraid of what?" I ask him.

"Demon ma-magic was never met fo-for humans. When sh-she lost control, it took too much on her. It took a-a lot out of me as w-well." He answers letting out a tired sigh.

"Are you okay?" I ask trying to get closer, but it seems like he keeps getting further away with every step I take.

"I feel weak, but I don't feel afraid." He replies.

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