Meeting Alastor for the first time

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Charlie:*hears knocking and opens the door,widens eyes, she closes the door before he could finish saying hello then opens it to make sure it was him then closes it*uh Vaggie!!

Vaggie:what?*she says groaning obviously having a headache*

Charlie:the radio demon is at the door*says nervously*


Angel:uh who?

Charlie:what do I do!!

Vaggie:don't let him in!!

*charlie lets him in anyway to explain why he is here*

Alastor:greetings!! Alastor!! It is a pleasure to make your acquantice!! I saw your fiasco on the picture show and it was spectacular! Why I haven't had this much entertainment since the stock market crash of 1929!!*laughs*so many orphans~

Vaggie:hold it right there!! Look I know your plans and I am not gonna let you hurt anyone here, you pompous Cheesy talk show shit lord!!

Alastor:*laughs*dear*puts her weapon down*if I wanted to hurt anyone here..*tikts head smiling creepily as his eyes widen and his pupils shrink, static is heard*i would've done so already~

Everyone:*widens eyes*

Alastor:*stops and smiles*no I want to help!!

Angel:you do realize it's a tv not a picture box or picture show?

Alastor:what's a tv?*generally confused*


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