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I am done being depressed I have to live my life. I cant dwell on the fact that im not with my twin. I have to keep moving forward.

Therfore when my friend destinee and her mother, brenda offered me to go to Washington for the weekend i didnt hesitate. Im grown well 18 and a few months . So i said what to hell whats the worst thing that could happen?....

I have never been on a plane before. I was in lexingon flying all the way to Washington. Man it was a trip.

When we finally got to Washington we immeditatly went to the nearest mc donalds.

"Boy im so hungry i could eat a whole cow right about now". I mumbled to destinee.

She smiled and responded "im so hungry right now i could eat you. "

She then glimpesed past me and moaned.

"mmm I'll eat him up too".

I looked over and my blood ran cold.

My face lost its cool and of course my friend noticed.

"Whats wrong?"

"Thats Michaels foster dad".

"Well you should say hi", brenda said joining the conversation. She looked to the cashier then added "and hurry up will ya our food is almost done". She walked to our table. I could feel Damien's blue eyes staring at the back of my head. A chill dashed through my spine.

"Don't be a pussy"

"I don't even know what to say to him", I squeaked.

"hmmm my name is alyssia you know your foster sons sister. Yeah how is he?''

"You make it sound so easy"

"Is it hard because he is sexy?" She asked in a daring voice.

I blushed a deep red.

"Well you better think of something. he's walking over here".

I numbly turned around to see Damien gather his meal.

"I'll be in the bathroom".

I rushed to the bathroom and cracked the door just enough to see Damiens carmeled skin.


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