Chapter 3

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A/N: Sorry that I've been so quiet once again. But my studies can take a lot of work and I was a bit burned out with story writing in general, so I apologize for that. Anyway, I hope you enjoy this chapter and I'll try and make the next chapter as soon as I can.

"A chance?" (F/N) asked with a suspicious tone.

"Correct. You have an interesting gift, one that's not being utilized at all here at Beacon, let alone being acknowledged. So why stay here?" asked the masked woman.

I stay quiet and think about her question. Why did I stay here? After some time, I gave her an answer.

"Want to know my reason? I'm the last one remaining of my tribe. I have no clue where on Remnant the rest is, or if they still are alive. Me being here was only trying to get stronger while hoping when I would go and do my missions would find some clues of their whereabouts. But with how things are going, I'd prefer to let Beacon be consumed by darkness and never let it see the light ever again!" I explained as the dark whisps around me started to flare around me again because of my rage.

The masked woman took a step back as she saw the dark flames dance aggressively around me, but (F/N) did notice the hint of interest in her eyes behind that mask.

"I see," she simply responded.

"You said that you have a chance for me. What do you mean with that?" I asked, trying to calm myself down.

"I want you to come with me, so I can train you. That way, you can prove that you're not weak. If you go with me, I'll show you what you can truly be," she said.

"I accept," I responded, without hesitation.

"Excellent choice," she said in a serious tone as she extends her hand.

I accept her handshake to seal the deal.

"I think you should pick me up at the end of the week, I want to show this Academy the new me before I leave. Also, you might want to either go or hide. Someone is coming real fast. But before you go, I'd like to know the name who's going to teach me soon," I warned her.

"Thanks for the warning, and I think that can't hurt. Name's Raven Branwen. I'll be waiting at the cliff at the end of the week. See you there," she said as she slashed her sword and created a red portal, then walk through it as the portal was closing behind her.The moment the red portal disappeared, the door of the dorm swung open. (F/N) look towards the door and saw Ozpin breathing heavily with a panicked look on his face as he looks around the dorm.

"Whe... where is she?" Ozpin asked in a serious tone.

"What are you talking about, Profesor Ozpin?" I asked, acting as nothing happened.

"You ca... can't lie to me, Mr. Orpheus. I saw talking to her from my office. So... where is she?" he said in between breaths as he gets more serious.

Now that caught his attention. He said that he saw them talking from his office, implying that there are cameras even in the dorms. Now that, made (F/n) very angry.

"Excuse me, what?" (F/n) asked in an emotionless tone of voice.

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