Information + Charts and Commands + Form and Waiting List

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DriftClan- a (mostly) peaceful clan... It would be such a shame if someone was to destroy it...

...Well, that's what happened...

After the rouges came, the clan scattered. Those who didn't run were captured by the rouges. Those who did run were not heard from again.

Time passed...The cats originally part of DriftClan died off...

What would happen now..?


Welcome to the Future of DriftClan, a sequel book to the Trials of DriftClan, a command game!

In command games, you put a command like /hunt in the comments. Later, an admin will respond to the command with something like "[Name of Cat] went hunting and caught 3 prey!"

However, in this Neo-DriftClan, the rouges have taken over. The low-ranked cats, the Drifts can't do what the high-ranked cats, the Mists, Shades, and the Shadow don't want without punishment.

Cats may escape, clans may be formed, and leadership may be overthrown- anything can happen.

There are certain mechanics that will be explained.

Roles, den types, and powers are of the Neo-DriftClan. If new clans are formed, their information will be added onto this page.

Updates and Moons
Every day, a new moon will start. Every moon, energy will be refilled and one prey will be eaten by each cat. Every moon can also have an event.

Energy and Commands
Energy determines what and how many commands you can enter. Normally, you have an amount of energy each moon that you can use for commands. Different commands take different amounts of energy, but it normally takes one energy per command.

Seasons and Weather
Different seasons have different affects with different pros and cons. Each season consists of three moons or days so twelve days is a year.

In new-leaf, hunting and foraging starts getting easier. However, hay-fever and floods happen more frequently due to pollen and melting ice.

In green-leaf, you get +1 herbs when you forage and +1 prey when you hunt. Blizzards and frosts never happen. However, forest fires and heat waves occur more frequently. This is also the time twolegs come to the forest so expect some twoleg traps. Due to the absence of recently fallen branches, when you gather, you get -1 sticks.

In leaf-fall, hunting and foraging get a bit harder. Due to falling branches, when you gather sticks, you get +1 sticks. There is also a small chance of getting injured by a falling branch.

In leaf-bare, when you hunt or forage, you get -1 prey or -1 herbs. As it is easy to see where the sticks are, when you gather, you get +1 sticks. Rouge attacks happen more due to starvation and fires happen a bit more due to the dryness.

Ranks of Cats
Cats have different ranks. They are mostly similar, though some have different amounts of energy, different commands, and different things they can do. Different clans and clan structures have different ranks as well.

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